Step-by-step guide
- Via «Persönlich -> Berechtigungen -> ETHIS-Berechtigungen» all users responsible for an annual report can assign delegations for their report.
- By clicking on "Delegation erteilen" you can delgate authorizations for one ore more organizational codes to new employees.
- If a person needs access to an additional organizational code, if the delegation is not correct or if access has to be revoked, this can be adjusted by clicking on "Ändern".
- First you have to search for the corresponding person and mark the line with a click. With a click on "Weiter" you will get a list of all organziational codes for which you are responsible.
- Select all required organizational codes on the left side and add the characteristic for each oner.
- Click on "Weiter".
- If the list is correct, you can create the request with "Delegation absenden".
- The requests received are triggered several times a day, so that the authorization adjustments are usually active on the same day.