You can share individual images by clicking on the menu in the thumbnail view and selecting "Share record". You see the icons when you move the mouse over the image. A new window opens and you get a link you can share (if you click on "Copy to clipboard", the link is saved and you only have to paste it with Ctrl + V). In the same window, you see the icons of various social media channels at the bottom left (red circle). You can embed the image there directly. | |
The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is best suited for referencing individual images, if available. It is usually found in the information view. Important: Not all catalogues have DOIs! . | |
In You can share entire categories the same way as you share individual records, you can share entire categories. However, only with a link and not in social media. | |
As a logged-in user, you can also share collections. Please read the following Wiki entries: |