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Table of contents:

Table of Contents

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IT Knowledge Base
IT Knowledge Base


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titleService Information

IT Service Catalogue

ETH user name

The ETH user name is generated and assigned automatically by the system and cannot be changed – not even in the event of change of the member’s surname (e.g. after marriage).

ETH Passwords

Three ETH password exist:

  1. ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP)
  2. ETH password for email (Active Directory)
  3. ETH network password

Two password groups exist:

  1. Group = ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP) and  ETH password for email (Active Directory)
  2. Group = ETH Network password (Radius)


titleFirst login

All members of ETH Zurich receive at the beginning of their study or employment an ETH user name and an ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP). They must change this password as soon as possible. Here you can find instructions on how to do this.

titleETH Password change


For the management of your passwords as well as for other functions you must use the web-​application “Web Center” ( To log in, use your ETH user name and your ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP).

How to change your ETH passwords Tutorial:

titleManaging authentication data

Save a mobile phone number or an alternative (non ETH) e-​mail address in the “Web Center” ( So you can reset your ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP) yourself at any time.

How do you manage your authentication data Tutorial:

titleReset ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP)


If required, you can have a new ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP) sent to you. Please note that you must first enter the authentication data in order to use this function. If you have not entered this data and need a new ETH password for web applications, AAI (LDAP), please contact the service desk.

How reset your ETH password for web application, AAI (LDAP):

titleHow to handle your passwords


In addition to the ETH username and password, certain applications are protected with multi-factor authentication. On the MFA page you will find an explainer video and detailed instructions on how to proceed with MFA registration and use.

Register and log in securely (MFA explanation video)

Multi-factor authentication page (login required)