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Table of contents:

Table of Contents

Excerpt Include
IT Knowledge Base
IT Knowledge Base


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titleService Information

IT Service Catalogue

Overview: Web&Blog Hosting Services

since it can be confusing to chose the best hosting option for your project, these are the main differences in features, restrictions and pricing:

If you are not sure, what option fits your project best, please contact us! Unfortunately its not possible, to simply move a website between different hosting platforms!

Hosting ServicePricingDomainTarget audienceShort descriptionYou canYou can NOTEdit thru/Access
personal website
  • SLA
  • order: not necessary
Free<username>everyone that wants a simple, personal website programmed in html or php with no preinstalled CMS. will be removed when user leaves ETHold school type ~/homepage/ directory served by an apache webserver, similar to this
  • edit/upload html and php files
  • run basic web applications
  • use advanced web technology like tomcat
  • edit any webserver settings
Blog Hosting
Free *)
(up to 2GB)<your project>everyone that wants a simple, pre-configured WordPress Installation without special requirements. This is the easiest way to get a project page going and everything is available by self service.Preconfigured WordPress environment
  • create up to 5(staff)/2(students) Blogs for free
  • delegate editor/admin rights for your blog
  • create pages in a graphical editor (webbrowser based)
  • install your own Themes/Plugins
  • access by SSH/SFTP
  • access Database by phpmyadmin
Browser based GUI
Blog Hosting **)
(aka "Domain Based")
  • SLA
  • order:
    • 1) please log in here and then
    • 2) send us a mail here, please mention in comment field that you want a "nameblog (free of charge"

Free *)

(up to 2GB)


see: Blogs Hosting above

The Difference is, that this Service can be reached by an ETH Subdomain.

Preconfigured WordPress environment
  • Edit your page in a Browser
  • delegate editor/admin rights
same as Blog Hosting abovesee: Blogs hosting above
Blog Hosting (customer specific)
500/yrhttps://<yourproject>.ethz.chAdvanced WordPress users that need to be able to install plugins, themes or custom code.Preconfigured WordPress environment with direct access to the system
  • Access by SSH/SFTP to the Linux Server
  • edit your own code
  • Access to the Database by phpmyadmin
  • install and manage your own plugins/themes
  • install system wide packages
  • start/stop apache webserver
  • open rootshell
SSH, SFTP, phpmyadmin, Browser based WordPress GUI
traditional Webhosting
free *)https://<yourproject>.ethz.chEveryone that wants to build a website/web application from scratch, install and maintain custom webapplicationstypical LAMP setup: Linux based Apache, php, mysql/mariadb, perl/python, Tomcat, ...
  • Install whatever webapplication you need on your own
  • Install whatever software you need within your homedirectory (no support from ID BD)
  • create custom scripts/applications
  • start/stop apache webserver
  • install system wide packages (this is not a VM with root access!)
SSH, SFTP, phpmyadmin

*) additional costs might apply for large amount of data, additional software requirements or extended support needs.
**) We are currently do not installing any new "Blog Hosting"/"Nameblogs"install new “Blog Hosting”/“Nameblogs”.

this page relates to the ID "Blog Hosting" Service - especially the fee-based "Kundenspezifische Blog-Instanzen mit eigener URL und Verwaltung der Plugins", see SLA 4.1

titleGood to know: Administrators

Every webinstance is assigned to one or several administrators.

This contact is used for:

  • these - and only these - registered contacts can order the deletion of the website
  • invoicing
  • legal responsibility for the content of the website
  • contact person in case of technical issues/maintenance


(warning) (warning) (warning)

make sure to have at least one registered valid "Web instance administrator" - your website will automatically suspended and deleted if there is no registered admin.
How to register an admin?

  • log in by ssh
  • edit the file ~/conf/servers
  • find the line ADMINS="ethuser1 ethuser2 ethuser3" - add the ETHZ usernames (not email addresses)  who should be a "webinstance administrator"

It is recommended to have multiple admins - so in case of vacation there is a person we can contact. Also be aware that if you leave ETHZ, your NETHZ account will be suspended/deleted. This can cause webinstances to have no valid administrative contact - suspension and deletion of the website will occur!