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For Owners: How to adjust the settings for a resource mailbox in OWA

  • Owners are users which are members of the maillist given full access to the Resource Mailbox by Exchange Admins.
    They must set the scheduling options and permissions.

  • Delegates are users which are members of the maillist given delegate function to the Resource Mailbox by Exchange Admins.
    If the optional delegate function is activated, these members must decline or accept some or all meeting requests.

This procedure must be done by an Owner using Outlook on the web (OWA). Microsoft has chosen not to make this functionality available through Outlook.

  1. Use your browser to go to the Outlook on the web login page:
    Log in with your own address and NetID password.
  2. At the right end of the top bar, click your photo (or the generic person icon), then select Open another mailbox.
  3. In the small dialog box that opens, enter the name of the Resource Account. As you type, you will be shown matching entries.
  4. Select the correct one, then click Open. A new browser window or tab will open, showing the Resource Account.
  5. In the top bar, click the gear icon, then click Options.
  6. With Calendar selected in the left-most column, click Resource scheduling in the second column.
    This option will only appear if you are viewing the settings for a calendar resource account. If you don't see it, you're not looking at a calendar resource ccount.

Resource Scheduling Settings

We recommend leaving the first box - Automatically process meeting requests and cancellations - checked.

The remaining options in this section are pretty self-explanatory.

We recommend leaving Allow Conflicts NOT checked; if checked, you risk having two groups show up to use the same room at the same time.

If you choose Allow scheduling only during working hours, you can set the working hours under Calendar - Personalization - Calendar appearance.

Resource Scheduling Permissions

One frequently used group of settings determines whether a resource is scheduled automatically simply by being invited to a meeting, or whether that is treated as a request to be scheduled, which must be approved by the resource's owner.

If you don't let everyone or a maillist schedule automatically... MUST make at least one maillist a delegate! (The maillist needs to be security enabled.) Delegates receive the scheduling requests (for owner approval), so if you have no delegates, no one will ever see them. If you (as owner with fullaccess) want to review scheduling requests, you must let you make a delegate by exchange administrator. Granting Delegate access can be done by exchange administrators; please contact the Service Desk. Or someone with fullaccess can integrate the mailbox in Windows Outlook and activate the delegate function under "Account Settings" - "Delegate Access"

For each of the three options in this group, you can select either "everyone" or specify a list of names and/or groups.

The three options are:

  • Who can schedule a resource automatically, if it is available.
  • Who can submit a request to schedule a resource, if it is available.
  • Who can schedule a resource automatically if it is available AND request manual approval if it is NOT available.

If you leave these settings at their default values, everyone can schedule a resource if it is available. If the resource is not available, they will receive an email message stating that it could not be scheduled, and the resource's delegates will be notified.

If you've decided that most (or all) people should NOT be able to schedule the resource automatically, the best configuration to start with is this:

  • set the first one - schedule automatically - to Specific people and groups
  • set the second one - request for manual owner approval - to Everyone
  • set the third one - automatically if available, request for manual owner approval if unavailable - to Specific people and groups


  • if there are some people who should be allowed to schedule the resource without additional approval, add them in the Specific people and groups field under the third set of choices ("These people or groups can schedule automatically if the resource is available...")
  • if every request will require manual approval (from someone with Delegate function), leave that field blank.