To get access to an existing tenant (project space) on LeoMed, a tenant's Permissions Manager (PM) needs to request access to LeoMed on behalf of the user.
Access to LeoMed is possible via the command line or a remote desktop
Access is secured via two-factor authentication.
ETHZ externals will be provided with an ETHZ guest user account and need to request to whitelist their institutional IP address
The BioMedIT network project, an integral part of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) and a project of SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, aims to support computational , biomedical research and clinical bioinformatics via national infrastructure that can jointly be used by all Swiss Universities, research institutions, hospitals and other interested partners.
The LeoMed platform represents the BioMedIT node Zurich and is run by the Scientific IT Services (SIS) at ETHZwith the LeoMed platform represents the BioMedIT node Zurich.