ETH Zurich's DOI Desk.pdf (1,52 MB)

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ETH Zurich's DOI Desk

ETH Zurich's DOI Desk is the DOI registration office for Switzerland's university and research sector.

It enables providers of publication services to register DOI names for digital objects, e.g. research reports, dissertations, research data, digitized images etc., on the internet.   

ETH Zurich DOI Desk is a service provided by ETH Library, in cooperation with DataCite and with technical support from IT Services of ETH Zurich.

DOI Registration Manual

The Registration Manual explains the requirements for becoming a client of ETH Zurich's DOI Desk.

It gives detailed information on metadata and content-related requirements, as well as the technical process for registering DOIs.

 Table of Contents

Here you find the table of contents. Click on the topic relevant to you to open the accordion and make the subtopics visible.

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