You might want to receive a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for your publication or dataset before actually making it available via the Research Collection. Reserving a DOI in the Research Collection enables you to integrate the DOI into your written documents or to cite the publication/dataset in a paper that is still in the publication process. Please proceed as follows.
Step 1: Reserve a DOI
- Click Submit on the Research Collection home page.
- If you weren't already logged in, you will need to sign in with your ETH user account now.
- Click the Start a new submission button.
- Select the publication type from the dropdown.
- In the Describe step, please fill in at least all mandatory fields.
- Scroll to the end of the page and activate the checkbox for the DOI Preview option.
- Click Next
- On the next page, check that your item does not already exist in the Research Collection.
- If that is not the case, click Skip file upload.
- Review the submitted data.
- Click the Complete submission button.
- You will receive an automatically generated confirmation mail.
- The email contains the DOI that was reserved for your item.
Step 2: Upload File(s)
- When your text or data are ready to be uploaded, login to the Research Collection with your ETH user account.
- Open the confirmation mail that contains your DOI and follow the link to your item in the Research Collection.
- Click on the Edit Icon and choose the option Upload Fulltext/Dataset
- In the next step, please write "Complete DOI reservation" when asked why you are creating a new version of this item.
- Click New version.
- In the next step click the Edit button.
- Upload the file(s) you would like to make available and choose the access permissions.
- Grant the ETH Library permission to use your work.
- If you wish, you can now additionally grant an end user license (cf. Creative Commons Licenses and Licensing software and programming code/scripts).
- Click the Complete submission button.
- Your submission is now complete. Although the message displayed says so, you will not receive another confirmation mail at this stage, because your item has already been imported during the original submission process.
- Your file(s) will be made available according to the chosen access rights once the internal review process is finished.