The following subsets of the Research Collection can be accessed via separate contexts/endpoints for the purpose of OAI harvesting. Each context described here also provides individual sets for each Publication Type.

All Items


The context "All Items" delivers all items that have gone through the review process:

  • ethz.edit.status = QS5 or QS6

Recommended metadata formats

  • ETH-specific metadata format (oai_ethz)
  • DSpace-specific metadata format (xoai)

Default Context


The context "Default" delivers all items that have gone through the review process and that have a freely available full text or other digital object attached:

  • ethz.edit.status = QS5 or QS6
  • ethz.availability = Open access

Recommended metadata formats

  • Qualified Dublin Core (qdc)
  • Dublin Core following the OpenAIRE Guidelines (oai_dc)
  • DataCite (oai_datacite)
  • DSpace-specific metadata format (xoai)

DOI Context


The context "DOI" delivers all items that have gone through the review process and for which Research Collection has issued a Digital Object Identifier (DOI):

  • ethz.edit.status = QS5 or QS6
  • ethz.availability = Open access, Embargoed, ETHZ users oder Selected users
  • "Closed access" Doctoral Theses until 06/2017

Recommended metadata formats

  • Qualified Dublin Core (qdc)
  • Dublin Core following the OpenAIRE Guidelines (oai_dc)

OpenAIRE Context


The context "OpenAIRE" delivers items of all publication types except research data that have gone through the review process and that have a freely available full text attached. Furthermore, the context also contains items that do not contain or make available a full text if they have been funded by a EU or SNSF grant.

  • ethz.edit.status = QS5 orr QS6
  • ethz.availability = Open access
  • as well as other availability statuses, if ethz.grant is available in the item metadata
  • dc.type = all publication types except Research Data subtypes

Recommended metadata formats

  • Dublin Core following the OpenAIRE Guidelines (oai_dc)

OpenAIRE Data Context


The context "OpenAIRE Data" delivers research data items that have gone through the internal review process and that have at least one digital object attached.

  • ethz.edit.status = QS5 or QS6
  • ethz.availability = Open access, Embargoed, ETHZ users, Selected users, Closed access
  • dc.type = Any subtype of Research data

Recommended metadata formats

  • DataCite (oai_datacite)
  • No labels