Label | Field | Content | Example |
Publikationstyp | dc.type | Publikationstypen | Journal Article |
Author/Creator | | LastName, FirstName | Miller, Max or Miller, Diana; id_orcid 0000-0003-1391-9991 |
ORCIDid Author | | XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX | ORCIDid is exported together with Author |
Editor | dc.contributor.editor | LastName, FirstName | Doe, Jane or Doe, Thomas; id_orcid 0000-0001-6444-9104 |
Organisational unit | ethz.leitzahl | A 5 digits number (Leitzahl) from the Organisatonsdatenbank | 00060 |
ORCIDid Editor | dc.contributor.editor.orcid | XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX | ORCIDid is exported together with Editor |
Certified Organisational unit | ethz.leitzahl.certified | A Leitzahl that has been certified by an authorized person | 00060 |
Title | dc.title | ||
Publication Date | | YYYY YYYY-MM YYYY-MM-DD | 2005 |
PID | dc.identifier.uri | the publication's Identifier in Research Collection | |
Source | ethz.source | Where was the entry imported from | ECOL for E-Collection |
E-Col PID | ethz.ecolpid | Identifier of E-Collection | eth:50050 |
E-Cit PID | ethz.ecitpid | Identifier of E-Citations | pub:129410 |
E-Pub DOI | dc.identifier.doi | DOI of the Publication in Research Collection or ETH E-Collection | E-Collection: 10.3929/ethz-a-010786543 |
Publisher DOI | dc.identifier.other | A DOI that has been assigned by a publisher (not Research Collection) | 10.1007/11557432_10 |
URN | ethz.identifier.urn | Free Text starting with urn: | urn:nbn:de:kobv:b4-opus-25174 |
URL | ethz.identifier.url | | |
ISBN | dc.identifier.isbn | A 10- or a 13-digits number | 3-540-29010-9 |
WoS ID | ethz.identifier.wos | Identifier at Web of Science A 15 digits number | 000233398700009 |
Scopus ID | ethz.identifier.scopus | Identifier at Scopus An 8-11 digit number | 84974815592 |
PubMedCentral ID | ethz.identifier.pubmed | Identifier at PubMed | 27898947 |
arXiv ID | ethz.identifier.arxiv | Identifier at arXiv Free Text starting with arXiv: | arXiv:1402.0493 |
ETH Diss No. | ethz.identifier.diss | a 5 digits number, used only with Document type "Doctoral Thesis" | 22997 |
Patent No. | ethz.identifier.patent | only used with Document/Resourc-Type "Patent" | WO2014083538 |
Nebis System No. | ethz.identifier.nebis | A 9 digits number | 000054409 |
Internal Identifier | ethz.identifier.internal | Any internal identifier the publication might have (free text). | |
ORCIDWorkCode | ethz.identifier.orcidWorkCode | This number is filled out automatically, as soon as the publication is imported via ORCIDid | 36391692 |
Publisher | dc.publisher | Name of the Institution that published the publication | Elsevier |
Publication place | | Place of the publisher | Amsterdam |
Data Repository | ethz.repository | Name of an external data repository hosting a dataset. | Dryad |
Online publication date | | Date on which the work was published online. | 2005 or 2012-05 |
Publication status | ethz.publication.status | Refers to the original publication, not the deposit copy | accepted published unpublished |
Date deposited | | Shows the Date, on which the item was submitted | 2016-09-20T10:13:54Z |
Deposit version | ethz.version.deposit | Describes which Version of the Publication is submitted into Research Collection. "Original work" is used if one submits a work for which Research Collection will be the main publication outlet. The other versions are used if f the submission is a copy of an already published work. | Original work Draft Submitted version Accepted version Published version Updated version |
Availability | ethz.availability | Describes the availability of the whole record. "Metadata only" is used if no attachment is available. | Open Access Embargoed ETHZ users Selected users Closed access Metadata only |
Embargo end date | | Date on which the Embargo ends | in 2 years: 2019-01-31 |
Retention period end date | | Date on which the Retention period ends (10 years, 15 years or indefinite) | 10 years for a submission on 2017-01-31: 2027-01-31 |
License | dc.rights.license | End user license or copyright statement | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International |
License URI | dc.rights.uri | URI of the license or copyright statement | |
Contributor | dc.contributor.contactPerson(.orcid) dc.contributor.dataCollector(.orcid) dc.contributor.producer(.orcid) dc.contributor.projectLeader(.orcid) dc.contributor.projectManager(.orcid) dc.contribtuor.projectMember(.orcid) dc.contributor.relatedPerson(.orcid) dc.contributor.researcher(.orcid) dc.contributor.researchGroup(.orcid) dc.contributor.rightsHolder(.orcid) dc.contributor.Supervisor(.orcid) dc.contributor.other(.orcid) | There are different types of contributors All contributor-types (except supervisor) are only used for research data document types. | Smith, John or Smith, Martin; id_orcid 0000-0001-6258-5858 |
Subtitle | ethz.title.subtitle | text | |
Alternative title | dc.title.alternative | text | |
Book title | | The book's title in which the e.g. Book Chapter was published | |
Journal or series title | ethz.journal.title | The journal's title in which the e.g. Journal Article was published | Journal of Phonetics |
ISSN | dc.identifier.issn | International Standard Serials number = Journal identifier | 0095-4470 |
Abbreviated Title | ethz.journal.abbreviated | official short form of the Journal title | J Phon |
Volume number | ethz.journal.volume | 63 | |
Issue number | ethz.journal.issue | 7 | |
Start page | ethz.pages.start | start page of e.g. Journal article/Book Chapter or Article number | 201 or L00678 |
End page | ethz.pages.end | end page of e.g. Journal article/Book Chapter | 205 |
Size | ethz.size | 30 GB | |
Format | dc.format | ||
Edition / Version | ethz.version.edition | 2nd edition | |
Methods | ethz.description.methods | Only applicable for Research data document types | |
Software | | Only applicable for Research data document types | |
GeoLocation | ethz.geolocation | Only applicable for Research data document types (Place, Latitude, Longitude) | London; 51.51; -0.118 |
Date collected | | Only applicable for Research data document types Date or Date range | 2017 or 2017-05 or 2017-05-31 or 2016-11-05/2017-02-22 |
Date created | | Only applicable for Research data document types Date or Date range | 2017 or 2017-05 or 2017-05-31 or 2016-11-05/2017-02-22 |
Language | dc.language.iso | ISO 639-1 language codes | en de fr |
Abstract | dc.description.abstract | free text | |
Subject | dc.subject | subject-related keywords | Global warming |
Tag | ethz.tag | non-subject related keywords (owner notes) | Review completed |
DDC code | ethz.code.ddc | a 3 - 5 digits number, chosen from a list | 100 |
JEL code | ethz.code.jel | Classification for economic publications | B12 (=Classical (includes Adam Smith)) |
Event | ethz.event | Conference, workshop etc. where a paper/poster was presented | International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering |
Event location | ethz.event.location | Location of the Event | Delft, Netherlands |
Event date | | Time the Event took place (Date or Date range) | 2012-05-16 or 2012‐03‐01/2012‐03‐05 |
Additional notes | ethz.notes | free text | |
Project/Grant | ethz.grant | If this pulication is an outcome of an ETHZ-, EU- or SNF-funded Project: Name of the project/grant | Cluster Categories and Triangulations - FRANCO |
Grant agreement no. | ethz.grant.agreementno | 127430 | |
Funder name | ethz.grant.fundername | corresponding name of institution giving the grant | SNF |
Funder DOI | ethz.grant.funderDoi | corresponding funding body DOI from FundRef Registry | 10.13039/501100001711 |
Program name | ethz.grant.program | corresponding program name | SPONSOR_PROG_D |
Related Publications or Datasets | ethz.relation.isCitedBy ethz.relation.cites ethz.relation.isSupplementTo ethz.relation.isSupplementedBy ethz.relation.isContinuedBy ethz.relation.continues ethz.relation.isNewVersionOf ethz.relation.isPreviousVersionOf ethz.relation.isPartOf ethz.relation.hasPart ethz.relation.isReferencedBy ethz.relation.references ethz.relation.isDocumentedBy ethz.relation.documents ethz.relation.isCompiledBy ethz.relation.compiles ethz.relation.isVariantFormOf ethz.relation.isOriginalFormOf ethz.relation.isIdenticalTo ethz.relation.isReviewedBy ethz.relation.Reviews ethz.relation.isDerivedFrom ethz.relation.isSourceOf |[DOI] | |
Record last modified | | Date the record was last submitted/edited | 2016-09-21T08:40:55Z |
Change History | | Shows all Dates, on which the item was submitted or edited | 2016-09-20T10:13:54Z and 2016-09-21T08:40:55Z |
Editing Status | ethz.edit.status | internal status of the qa-workflow | QS1 – Not verified QS2 – Under verification QS3 – Copyright clarification QS4 – Technical analysis QS5 - Verified QS6 - Approved QSN – Not to be approved |
ETH Publication | ethz.eth | Shows if at least one author or editor was a member of ETH Zurich when the research for this publication was conducted. | yes or no |
Old URI | dc.identifier.olduri | Former persistent URL of merged items | |
The following table lists the metadata schema of the Research Collection.
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