
The provisioning app is no longer available since 02.04.2024. Microsoft Team functionalities are now used for the provisioning of Teams. More about this here: Microsoft Teams


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Provisioning Tool

The provisioning app makes it possible to create a team yourself. With this tool, we enable all users to lay the foundations necessary for teamwork in a simple and quick manner. It also enables effective classification, naming and identification of Microsoft teams.

Step 1- call the Provisioning App

Click on the three dots (...) on the left navigation an select "Provisioning".

Step 1a 

In case "Provisioning" is not listed in the previous screen, click on the option "more Apps"

Click on "Provisioning" an "Open" on the following screen. 

Step 2 - select the corresponding template 

There are five different templates for staff available. Depending on the goal and purpose of your team, select the appropriate template. Students will have two templates at disposition. 

Step 3 - provide the requested information in the form

Fill in the fields as requested in the form

- Choose a short but meaningful name for the team. Note that the name should not be too long.
- You can change the displayed team name at a later stage.

- Enter a short description. What are the goals and purposes you are pursuing with this team.

- Specify at least two people as team owners who will be responsible for the administration of the team in the future.

- Here you can already invite people who will later work on your team. You can also do this later using the "Add member" function.

- Select the department from the list to which you or the team should be assigned.
- If an entry should be missing, please contact the ServiceDesk to complete the list.

- Choose between the two options (private or public team).
   - Users can only work in private teams if they are added by the team owner.
   - Public teams are visible to everyone and you can join them without the approval of the team owner. Please only use this option if a large number of ETH students and employees are to be addressed.

Add guests:
- Check the box if you want people outside of ETH to have access to your team.
- Guests must have a Microsoft 365 account. If the guest does not yet have a Microsoft account associated with their email address, they will be redirected to create a free Microsoft account.
Multifactor authentication is required for guests - more details can be found under this link: Data protection and privacy#Multi-factorauthenticationforguestaccesstoMSTeams

Sharing settings:
- Depending on the entry in the previous field "Add guests", these settings adapt automatically.

Please note: The entered data can be changed subsequently by the owners.

Step 4 - Complete the form

When you have entered all fields, click on the "Create team" button.  

Step 5 - Information about successful creation

After having clicked on the "Create team" button, the system goes through a series of steps in the background. As soon as all processes have been successfully completed, you will receive a message in the "Activity" tile.
Please note that it can take up to 20 minutes until all steps have been processed. Wait for the confirmation message before you start editing your team.

Click on the "Teams" button in the navigation, and your newly created team does appear. 

Changes to an existing team

As a team owner, you can manage or adjust settings on your team. To do this, click the ...  (more options) and then choose manage team.

Edit team name and description

If you want to change the name of the team or a channel, click on the Edit team option

This function is only available for team owners.

Technical note:

Here you change the so-called display name. The elements created in the background during team creation, e.g. SharePoint Online website, OneDrive for Business, or OneNote will keep the original name.

Please also note that the "Create a team" function can still be selected from the teams view. However the functionality can not be used. Unfortunately, this option cannot be hidden through configuration.

Problem Management / Known Error

If you call up the Provisioning App and do not see the various templates as listed in step 2 (only a white page), proceed as follows.

  1. Go to the following page at 
  2. Log in with your ETH user name and ETH password for email (Active Directory)
  3. You can then return to the Provisioning App and click on Provisioning again.
  4. You will now be shown the templates available for selection.

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