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Change Log

An overview of the approved cloud products used at ETH Zurich can be found at the following link:

(warning) The change log of the applications requested for release has been moved to the administrators' knowledge base.

General information on the activation of add-ins 

We repeatedly receive requests regarding the activation of add-ins in the Microsoft 365 environment. In December 2020, in-depth clarifications were carried out in this regard.

As is well known, ETH still operates its Mail Exchange infrastructure on-premise (in its own data center). In order to talk to the cloud services of M365, the so-called hybrid mode was put into operation. 
We have discussed different variants with specialists from IT services, Microsoft and a specialized company, how we can still use add-ins.
Unfortunately, we have not made any progress in this regard. With the current setup, as it is operated at ETH, the connection is not possible. Reason: an online exchange account is required for both the admin and the user. 

Currently, our hands are tied here. As long as the Exchange infrastructure is not completely moved to the cloud, we cannot offer a solution for the connection of such add-ins.

Thank you for your understanding
Cloud Service Center - Jan 6, 2021

Apps for Microsoft 365

Apps can be used in the context of Microsoft 365 and embedded in teams. They help you improve usability. Thanks to certain apps, you no longer have to leave teams to complete upcoming tasks. The activation of apps at ETH is controlled centrally and has to meet certain standards.

Use of apps

  • Call the following link or  and log in with your ETH user name.

  • On the Office 365 homepage, select the app launch field at the top left.  App-Startfeld 
  • Click on the app you wish to use..

  • Note: If you don't see the option you want, you may need to select All Apps.

Use of the app / Integration into Teams

Most apps can be called up from and integrated directly into teams. 

In the navigation on the left, click on the three dots (further options). The available apps are displayed there. Click e.g. on planner; Planner is now displayed as a separate navigation point. If you right-click on it, you can "pin" this app to your navigation.

You can also integrate apps directly into a team. Use the + sign at the end of the horizontal navigation


Select the app you wish to integrate in your channel. This app will now be permanently be displayed in the navigation of the channel. 

Service description Stream

Description and customer benefit

Microsoft Stream is an app that enables you to watch and share videos recorded by employees and students. It facilitates the realisation of online meetings, training courses and other events.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

Stream is free of charge. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required. No installation is necessary. Proceed as follows for the use:

No installation is required in order to be able to use the Stream app.


Service description Forms

Description and customer benefit

Microsoft Forms allows you to quickly and easily create custom quizzes, polls, questionnaires and more. Authors can define the settings in Microsoft Forms in such a way that users from outside ETH can also respond to surveys. In this case, users submit their responses anonymously. If necessary, respondents can be asked to enter their name (s) in the questionnaire.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The use of forms is free. It requires a Microsoft 365 subscription. No installation is necessary.


Service description 'Task by Planner and ToDo'

Description and customer benefit

In the app called "Task by Planner and ToDo" you can arrange tasks and organize them on a board. For example, the tasks can be displayed according to status or the processor to whom they were assigned. To update the status or change an assignment, simply drag and drop the tasks into another column. With the help of the app it is possible to manage tasks in lists or boards (which can be used together with other team members). The tasks can be edited as needed and e.g. checklists, attachments and appointments can be managed per task-card.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The use of Task by Planner and ToDo is free of charge. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required. No installation is necessary. A team owner can add Planner to their team.

No separate installation is necessary.


Service description Whiteboard

Description and customer benefit

The "Whiteboard" web app works like a digital tablet for handwritten notes that can be entered using a mouse, touchpad or pen. In an online meeting, different users can write or draw on the whiteboard at the same time. This helps to collect ideas or to create mind maps in a team. Every whiteboard created is automatically saved in the cloud and can be shared with others via a link.

Customer groups / costs

The use of whiteboard is free of charge. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required.

Installation on Windows devices

  1. Call the following link at
  2. Select Windows as the operating system
  3. Click Download and follow the instructions; During the process, you will be asked to log in with your ETH username.

Installation für iOS Devices

Download Microsoft Whiteboard from the App Store to your iOS device (requires Apple iOS 9 or higher, iPhone 5s or higher, iPad Mini 3 or higher, iPad Air or iPad Pro) and log in with your ETH username. 

Integration of whiteboard in Team-meetings

The whiteboard app can be activated directly during an online meeting. Just click on "Share" in the control block. In the lower part of the screen the various options for what you want to share are now displayed. The whiteboard app is displayed on the right side.

Click on it and now the meeting participants will see Whiteboard. You are now able to invite participants to work on the whiteboard simultaneously.

Update March 2021:
Microsoft Whiteboard has been available for some time in Microsoft Teams meetings, and now can be added as a tab to a Teams channel. Add a whiteboard the same way you’d add most tabs, by clicking + then selecting the Whiteboard app. Whiteboard functionality is available directly in Teams, and for more intensive use, like drawing or writing with a stylus or pencil on iPads or Windows tablets, you can open your board in the Whiteboard app.


Service description Wiki

Description and customer benefit

Wiki is one of the standard apps that is automatically supplied when creating a channel. It corresponds to a simple notebook. The quick access wiki pages in Microsoft Teams are structured similarly to the notebooks in Microsoft OneNote. OneNote is also automatically included in every team. However, OneNote offers significantly more functionalities for collaboration. This ranges from better overview, more formatting functions to more options to insert content - and you can also search the content in OneNote, unlike the teams wikis, at any time. This makes OneNote the ideal place for documenting projects and activities in a company, while the wikis are primarily used for quick access to information within a team channel.

The wiki app is a simple way to share information in one place. As soon as the information content becomes more extensive, we recommend using One Note.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The use of wiki is free. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required. No separate installation is necessary.

Service description Shift

Description and customer benefit

With the help of the Shift app, managers and employees can manage their schedules, plan shifts and days off or swap shifts.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The use of Shift is free. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required. No separate installation is necessary.

Service description One Note

Description and customer benefit

Windows users have two versions of OneNote available. What is the difference between these two OneNote applications?

  • OneNote (formerly "OneNote 2016") is the free desktop app that can be run on all supported versions of Microsoft Windows and is part of Office 2019 and Microsoft 365. 
  • OneNote for Windows 10 is the OneNote app, which is preinstalled on all versions of Windows 10 and can also be downloaded for free from the Microsoft Store.


OneNote for Windows 10 is not integrated in the Microsoft 365 package for Windows, which support organisations distribute and install via baramundi. OneNote (formerly “OneNote 2016”), however, is the premium desktop client for OneNote. This client offers more functions and is more complex than the universal app version, which has been optimized for use on mobile devices. OneNote (formerly “OneNote 2016”) is installed by default.

The OneNote app can be downloaded from the store (download link for OneNote app). In this app, the data can only be saved in the MS cloud. At the same time there is the above mentioned OneNote (formerly "OneNote 2016") of the office suite for on-premise notebooks, which among other things are also stored on network shares.

Weblink (in German)

Important note

According to the cloud instructions from our legal department, the OneNote app for Windows 10 may not be used to store confidential data.
Please also note that there is (currently) no OneNote version that combines both worlds (cloud and on-premise).

Conclusion: If you want to use both versions, you have to work with both OneNote applications in parallel.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

Both OneNote (formerly “OneNote 2016”) and OneNote for Windows 10 are available to all users free of charge.

Service description OneNote Web Clipper

Description and customer benefit

OneNote Web Clipper is a free extension for the most popular browsers. Whether Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge: After installing the Web Clipper in your browser, you can save the entire, currently loaded website, a specific area, an individual article or just the URL in OneNote.

Video how to use OneNote Web Clipper


Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

OneNote Web Clipper is available to all users free of charge. The user can carry out the installation her-/himself.

Service description Notability / GoodNotes 

Description and customer benefit

For users who mainly create handwritten notes on their mobile device, there are a variety of apps such as GoodNotes or Notability. Both apps are well coordinated with the Apple Pencil. Microsoft offers the option of synchronizing data from the Notability or GoodNotes app on OneDrive.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The user bears the costs for the acquisition of the app himself.

How to set up the synchronization from the Notability/GoodNote-app to OneNote

  1. Open the browser and go to and log in with your ETH user name and password. 

  2. On the screen that appears, click the three dots in the upper right corner.

  3. Click the "Add Self Service Apps" button

  4. The list with the available apps appears - click on the app that you want to integrate and then on "Add".

  5. Confirm your selection by clicking on "Add" again

  6. The app you added now appears in the "All apps" list (in this example, Notability)

  7. Switch to the app on your mobile device (in this example Notability) - and click on the symbol for settings in the lower left corner.

  8. Select the "OneDrive" option in the "Auto Backup" menu

  9. Log in with your ETH user name and password (Note: the screen may differ between GoodNote and Notability and depending on the device used)

  10. In your OneDrive you will now find a folder with the name of the respective app you are synchronising (in this example Notability)

Service description ToDo (cannot be used)

Please note that this app is not available for users with an ETH account. 

Description and customer benefit

The ToDo app helps users to manage their tasks better and provides an overview of their daily tasks. Users can enter their tasks manually themselves or import from Outlook or Planner. 



This app requires an online Exchange mail account. This is not possible with the current set-up. At ETH a so-called hybrid mode is in use. This means that the users' mail accounts are operated on-premise. Therefore the ToDo-App can unfortunately not be used.

Service description Edu Class/Staff Notebook (currently not in use)

Description and customer benefit

With the Edu Class Notebook, Microsoft has released an extension for OneNote that is tailored to the educational sector and corresponds to the ideas of a virtual classroom. Teachers can use it to structure, organize and manage their lectures/courses in one application. The Edu Class Notebook simplifies the exchange of data, worksheets and other media as well as communication within the team. It offers a wide range of possibilities for both individual student support and collaboration work. No additional application needs to be installed and the training effort for users of OneNote is low.

The Edu Class Notebook is divided into three areas:

  • Content library
    this is the location to store teaching material. Teachers can add, edit or delete items. Students have read access, but cannot actively edit anything here.
  • "Student notebook"
    this is the individual storage location for each course participant. Teachers can add, edit or delete elements. Content can be corrected or individual comments can be entered. Worksheets can be distributed to all or only to some of the students. Each student works in his/her own notebook and cannot view other students' notes.
  • Group notebook
    Teachers can add, edit or delete items. Students authorized by the teacher can read, add, edit, or delete items. Any number of group notebooks can be created as required.

The Edu Staff Notebook corresponds to the functionalities described above, but can be used for educational staff.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The use of Edu Class/Staff Notbooks is free of charge. It requires a Microsoft 365 subscription based on educational licence. No installation is necessary. 

Service description Microsoft Fotos

Description and customer benefit

You can use Microsoft Fotos to edit and manage photos and videos. A video can also be created from selected content. In addition, existing videos can be optimized with the editor.
Microsoft Fotos is not directly integrated into teams, but is accessed directly via the app. To do this, enter the term "Fotos" in the search field and then log in with your ETH user name.

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The app is available to all users and is free of charge. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required within ETH Zurich. No installation is necessary. 

Service description Viva Learning

Description and customer benefit

Viva Learning is a central learning hub in Microsoft Teams that allows you to learn and integrate skills seamlessly into your day. In Viva Learning, you and your team can discover, share, recommend, and learn from content libraries provided by both your organization and partners. You can do all of this without leaving Microsoft Teams.
125 training courses from LinkedIn Learning are available free of charge, but require a LinkedIn login and a LinkedIn Learning subscription (this can be obtained from the IT Shop).


You can activate the Viva Learning App yourself within teams. In the left navigation, click on the apps icon at the bottom and then select Viva Learning by clicking on it. In the following screen, click the 'Open' button to launch the app. You can 'pin' the app by right-clicking on the Viva Learning icon. This will permanently integrate the app into the left navigation.


Important Note

Please note that for users of ETH Zurich the so-called Viva Learning seeded version is activated. This does not include all functions that are available in the premium version. 

Service description Provisioning App

Description and customer benefit

With the provisioning app, we give all MS teams users the opportunity to create a team themselves in the future. There are a few steps to go through in the provisioning app. The users have the possibility to choose between 6 different templates and are then guided through the process. The parameters of the teams created in this way can also be changed subsequently by the owners.

=> Information about the Provisioning App

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The app is available to all users and is free of charge. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required within ETH Zurich. No installation is necessary.

Service description Incoming Webhooks

Description and customer benefit

Incoming Webhooks enables external apps to share content in Teams channels. These webhooks are used as tracking and notification tools. They provide a unique URL to which you can send JSON payloads with a message.


To remove a webhook from the channel, open the "..." menu in their channel and select "Connectors". A pop-up will open with the navigation item "Configured" on the left. Under this item you will find all your configured webhooks, which you can remove here. A complete description can be found here:

Customer groups / costs / ordering (installation)

The app is available to all users and is free of charge. A Microsoft 365 subscription is required within ETH Zurich. No installation is necessary.

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