A processing plugin runs on the DSS. It processes a specified set of data sets. The user can trigger a processing plugin in the openBIS Web application. After processing an e-mail is sent to the user.
A processing plugin is configured on the DSS best by introducing a core plugin of type processing-plugins
. All processing plugins have the following properties in common:
Property Key | Description |
class | The fully-qualified Java class name of the reporting plugin. The class has to implement IProcessingPluginTask . |
label | The label. It will be shown in the GUI. |
dataset-types | Comma-separated list of regular expressions. The plugin can process only data sets of types matching one of the regular expressions. If new data set types are registered with openBIS, the DSS will need to be restarted before the new data set types are known to the processing plugins. |
properties-file | Path to an optional file with additional properties. |
allowed-api-parameter-classes | A comma-separated list of regular expression for fully-qualified class names. Any classes matching on of the regular expressions is allowed as a class of a Java parameter object of a remote API call. For more details see API Security. |
disallowed-api-parameter-classes | A comma-separated list of regular expression for fully-qualified class names. Any classes matching on of the regular expressions is not allowed as a class of a Java parameter object of a remote API call. For more details see API Security. |
Multiple Processing Queues
By default only one processing plugin task is processed. All other scheduled tasks have to wait in a queue. This can be inconvenient if there is a mixture of long tasks (taking hours or even days) and short tasks (taking only seconds or minutes).
DSS can be configured two run more than one processing queue. Each queue (except the default one) has a name (which also appears in the log file). Also a regular expression is associated with the queue. When a processing plugin task is scheduled the appropriate queue is selected by the ID of the processing plugin (this is either a name in the property processing-plugins
of DSS or the name of the core-plugin folder). If the ID matches the regular expression the task is added to the corresponding queue. If non of the regular expression matches the default queue is used.
The queues have to be specified by the property data-set-command-queue-mapping
. It contains a comma-separated list of queue definitions. Each definition has the form
<queue name>:<regular expression>
If archiving is enable (i.e. archiver.class
of DSS is defined or a core-plugin of type miscellaneous
with ID archiver
is defined) there will be three processing plugins with the following IDs: Archiving
, Copying data sets to archive
, and Unarchiving
Generic Processing Plugins
NOTE: This Maintenance Task should only be used if the server uses LDAP only, it will take users from other authentication services as missing.
Description: Renames, deactivates and delete all roles from users that are no longer available on LDAP following the next algorithm.
- Grabs all active users.
- The users that follow all the points of the next criteria are renamed to userId-YYYY.MM.DD and deactivated:
- Are not a system user.
- Don't have the ETL_SERVER role.
- Don't have a LDAP principal.
Property Key | Description |
server-url | LDAP server URL. |
security-principal-distinguished-name | LDAP principal distinguished name. |
security-principal-password | LDAP principal password. |
class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.server.task.RevokeLDAPUserAccessMaintenanceTask interval = 60 s server-url = ldap://,DC=ethz,DC=ch security-principal-distinguished-name = CN=cisd-helpdesk,OU=EthUsers,DC=d,DC=ethz,DC=ch security-principal-password = ******
Description: Copies all files of the specified data sets to another (remote) folder. The actual copying is done by the rsync command.
Property Key | Description |
destination | Path to the destination folder. This can be a path to a local/mounted folder or to a remote folder accessible via SSH. In this case the name of the host has to appear as a prefix. General syntax: [<host>:][<rsync module>:]<path> |
hard-link-copy | If true hard links are created for each file of the data sets. This works only if the share which stores the data set is in the same local file system as the destination folder. Default: false . |
rename-to-dataset-code | If true the copied data set will be renamed to the data set code. Default: false . |
rsync-executable | Optional path to the executable command rsync . |
rsync-password-file | Path to the rsync password file. It is only needed if an rsync module is used. |
ssh-executable | Optional path to the executable command ssh . SSH is only needed for not-mounted folders which are accessible via SSH. |
ln-executable | Optional path to the executable command ln . The ln command is only needed when hard-link-copy = true . |
class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.DataSetCopier label = Copy to analysis incoming folder dataset-types = MS_DATA, UNKNOWN destination = analysis-server:analysis-incoming-data rename-to-dataset-code = true
Description: Copies all files of the specified data sets to a (remote) user folder. The actual copying is done by the rsync command.
Property Key | Description |
destination | Path template to the destination folder. It should contain The path can point to a local/mounted folder or to a remote folder accessible via SSH. In this case the name of the host has to appear as a prefix. General syntax: |
hard-link-copy | If true hard links are created for each file of the data sets. This works only if the share which stores the data set is in the same local file system as the destination folder. Default: false . |
rename-to-dataset-code | If true the copied data set will be renamed to the data set code. Default: false . |
rsync-executable | Optional path to the executable command rsync . |
rsync-password-file | Path to the rsync password file. It is only needed if an rsync module is used. |
ssh-executable | Optional path to the executable command ssh . SSH is only needed for not-mounted folders which are accessible via SSH. |
ln-executable | Optional path to the executable command ln . The ln command is only needed when hard-link-copy = true . |
class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.DataSetCopierForUsers label = Copy to user playground dataset-types = MS_DATA, UNKNOWN destination = tmp/playground/${user}/data-sets hard-link-copy = true rename-to-dataset-code = true
Description: Invokes a Jython script to do the processing. For more details see Jython-based Reporting and Processing Plugins.
Property Key | Description |
script-path | Path to the jython script. |
class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.jython.JythonBasedProcessingPlugin label = Calculate some numbers dataset-types = MS_DATA, UNKNOWN script-path =
Description: Runs a Jython-based reporting plugin of type TABLE_MODEL and sends the result table as a TSV file to the user.
Property Key | Description |
script-path | Path to the jython script. |
single-report | If true only one report will be sent. Otherwise a report for each data set will be sent. Default: false |
email-subject | Subject of the e-mail to be sent. Default: None |
email-body | Body of the e-mail to be sent. Default: None |
attachment-name | Name of the attached TSV file. Default: report.txt |
class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.jython.ReportingBasedProcessingPlugin label = Create monthly report dataset-types = MS_DATA, UNKNOWN script-path = email-subject = DSS Monthly Report
Description: The processing task checks the consistency between the data store and the meta information stored in the PathInfoDB
. It will check for:
- existence (i.e. exists in PathInfoDB but not on file system or exists on file system but not in PathInfoDB)
- file size
- CRC32 checksum
If it finds any deviations, it will send out an email which contains all differences found.
Configuration: Properties common for all processing plugins (see Introduction)
class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.DataSetAndPathInfoDBConsistencyCheckProcessingPlugin label = Check consistency between data store and path info database dataset-types = .* creening Processing Plugins
Description: Runs a Jython-based reporting plugin of type TABLE_MODEL and sends the result table as a TSV file to the user. There is some extra support for screening.
Property Key | Description |
script-path | Path to the jython script. |
single-report | If true only one report will be sent. Otherwise a report for each data set will be sent. Default: false |
email-subject | Subject of the e-mail to be sent. Default: None |
email-body | Body of the e-mail to be sent. Default: None |
attachment-name | Name of the attached TSV file. Default: report.txt |
class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.screening.server.plugins.jython.ScreeningReportingBasedProcessingPlugin label = Create monthly report dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE script-path = email-subject = DSS Monthly Report