
The current aim of this extensions is to accommodate two groups of modifications:

Pure Configuration, enabling/disabling some features, to clean the interface and make it less confusing for non expert users. Very often also to add type extensions for types specified with another master data extension.

extending the interface to accommodate additional functionality without needing to deal with the internals.

Plugin structure

plugins folder

Each folder on this folder is a ELN UI extension.

Each extension currently contains a single file with name "plugin.js".

config.js file

Contains a section called  PLUGINS_CONFIGURATION indicating the plugins to be loaded from the plugins folder.

    extraPlugins : ["life-sciences", "flow", "microscopy"]

plugin.js file

Contains the actual source of the plugin, we can distinguish three clear sections/patterns on the skeleton of the interface:

1. Configuring views through the use of a JSON structure. Part of this structure are:

  • forcedDisableRTF (Deprecated in favour of Custom Widgets configurable from the Instance Settings on the UI)
  • forceMonospaceFont (Deprecated in favour of Custom Widgets configurable from the Instance Settings on the UI)
  • experimentTypeDefinitionsExtension
  • sampleTypeDefinitionsExtension
  • dataSetTypeDefinitionsExtension

These are used extensively since they come at a very low development effort. Best examples of how to use these definition extensions can be found in technologies that ship with the ELN:

2. Extending views through the use of the Interceptor Pattern

  • Template Methods: ONLY allow to add content in certain portions of the Interface. ONLY available for Experiment, Sample and DataSet form views. These template methods are easy to use, they allow to add custom components isolating the programmer from the rest of the form.
    • experimentFormTop
    • experimentFormBottom
    • sampleFormTop
    • sampleFormBottom
    • dataSetFormTop
    • dataSetFormBottom
  • Event Listeners: Allow to listen the before/after paint events for ALL form views and list views. Allow the programmer to change the model before is displayed and any part of the view after. Provide versatility but with added complexity of dealing with the complete form.
    • beforeViewPaint
    • afterViewPaint

3. Other Extensions:

Source Code Examples (plugin.js)

Configuration Only Extensions

An example with only type configurations extensions is show below.

function MyTechnology() {

$.extend(MyTechnology.prototype, ELNLIMSPlugin.prototype, {
   init: function() {
   experimentTypeDefinitionsExtension : {
		"FOLDER": {
			"TOOLBAR": { CREATE: false, FREEZE: false, EDIT: false, MOVE: false, DELETE: false, UPLOAD_DATASET: false, UPLOAD_DATASET_HELPER: false, EXPORT_ALL: false, EXPORT_METADATA: true }
   sampleTypeDefinitionsExtension : {
   		"SAMPLE_TYPE" : {
			"TOOLBAR": { CREATE : true, EDIT : true, FREEZE : true, MOVE : true, COPY: true, DELETE : true, PRINT: true, HIERARCHY_GRAPH : true, HIERARCHY_TABLE : true, UPLOAD_DATASET : true, UPLOAD_DATASET_HELPER : true, EXPORT_ALL : true, EXPORT_METADATA : true, TEMPLATES : true, BARCODE : true },
	   		"SHOW" : false,
          	"SAMPLE_PARENTS_DISABLED": false,
    			"LABEL": "Parent Label",
    			"TYPE": "PARENT_TYPE",
				"LABEL": "Children Label",
				"MIN_COUNT" : 0,
   			"ENABLE_STORAGE" : false,
   			"SHOW_ON_NAV": false,
    		"SHOW_ON_NAV_FOR_PARENT_TYPES": undefined,
			extraToolbar : undefined
   dataSetTypeDefinitionsExtension : {
   		"DATASET_TYPE" : {
			"TOOLBAR": { EDIT : true, FREEZE : true, MOVE : true, ARCHIVE : true, DELETE : true, HIERARCHY_TABLE : true, EXPORT_ALL : true, EXPORT_METADATA : true },
			extraToolbar : undefined

profile.plugins.push(new MyTechnology());

Toolbar Extensions

An example with only toolbar extensions is shown below, variables with a dollar sign '$' indicate they are jquery components:

function MyTechnology() {

$.extend(MyTechnology.prototype, ELNLIMSPlugin.prototype, {
   init: function() {
   sampleTypeDefinitionsExtension : {
   		"SAMPLE_TYPE" : {
			extraToolbar : function(mode, sample) {
				var toolbarModel = [];
				if(mode === FormMode.VIEW) {
    				var $demoButton = FormUtil.getButtonWithIcon("glyphicon-heart", function () {
						//This empty function could be a call to do something in particular
    				toolbarModel.push({ component : $demoButton, tooltip: "Demo" });
				return toolbarModel;
   dataSetTypeDefinitionsExtension : {
   		"DATASET_TYPE" : {
			extraToolbar : function(mode, dataset) {
				var toolbarModel = [];
				if(mode === FormMode.VIEW) {
    				var $demoButton = FormUtil.getButtonWithIcon("glyphicon-heart", function () { 
				 		//This empty function could be a call to do something in particular
    				toolbarModel.push({ component : $demoButton, tooltip: "Demo" });
				return toolbarModel;

profile.plugins.push(new MyTechnology());

Extra Views as Utilities

Please check the provided example:

  • No labels