Jython Dropboxes


The jython dropbox feature makes it possible for a script written in the Python language to control the data set registration process of the openBIS Data Store Server. A script can modify the files in the dropbox and register data sets, samples, and experiments as part of its processing. The framework provides tools to track file operations and, if necessary, revert them, ensuring that the incoming file or directory is returned to its original state in the event of an error.

By deafult python 2.5 is used, but it's possible to use python version 2.7.

Dropboxes are dss core plugins: Core Plugins

Simple Example

Here is an example that registers files that arrive in the drop box as data sets. They are explicitly attached to the experiment "JYTHON" in the project "TESTPROJ" and space "TESTGROUP".

def process(transaction):
  # Create a data set
  dataSet = transaction.createNewDataSet()
  # Reference the incoming file that was placed in the dropbox
  incoming = transaction.getIncoming()
  # Add the incoming file into the data set
  transaction.moveFile(incoming.getAbsolutePath(), dataSet)
  # Get an experiment for the data set
  exp = transaction.getExperiment("/TESTGROUP/TESTPROJ/JYTHON")

  # Set the owner of the data set -- the specified experiment

This example is is unrealistically simple, but contains all the elements necessary to implement a jython drop box. The main idea is to perform several operations within the bounds of a transaction on the data and metadata. The transaction is used to track the changes made so they can be executed together or all reverted if a problem occurs.

More Realistic Example

The above example demonstrates the concept, but it is unrealistically simple. In general, we want to be able to determine and specify the experiment/sample for a data set and explicitly set the data set type as well.

In this example, we handle a usage scenario where there is one experiment done every day. All data produced on a single day is associated with the experiment for that date. If the experiment for a given day does not exist, it is created.

from datetime import datetime
def process(transaction):

  # Try to get the experiment for today
  now_str = datetime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d')
  expid = "/TESTGROUP/TESTPROJ/" + now_str
  exp = transaction.getExperiment(expid)

  # Create an experiment if necessary
  if None == exp:
    exp = transaction.createNewExperiment(expid, "COMPOUND_HCS")
    exp.setPropertyValue("DESCRIPTION", "An experiment created on " + datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
    exp.setPropertyValue("COMMENT", now_str)
  dataSet = transaction.createNewDataSet()
  incoming = transaction.getIncoming()
  transaction.moveFile(incoming.getAbsolutePath(), dataSet)

More complex processing is also possible. In the following sections, we explain how to configure a jython dropbox and describe the API in greater detail.


The model underlying dropbox registration is the following: when a new file or folder is found in the dropbox folder, the process function of the script file is invoked with a data set registration transaction as an argument. The process function has the responsibility of looking at the incoming file or folder and determining what needs to be registered or modified in the metadata database and what data needs to be stored on the file system. The IDataSetRegistrationTransaction interface defines the API for specifying entities to register and update.

Committing a transaction is actually a two-part process. The metadata is stored in the openBIS application server's database; the data is kept on the file system in a sharded directory structure beneath the data store server's store directory. All modifications requested as part of a transaction are committed atomically — they either all succeed or all fail.

Several Events occur in the process of committing a transaction. By defining jython functions, it is possible to be notified and intervene when an event occurs. Because the infrastructure reserves the right to delay or retry actions if resources become unavailable, the process function and event functions cannot use global variables to communicate with each other. Instead, they should use the registration context object to communicate. Anything stored in the registration context must, however, be serializable by Java serialization.


Dropbox Configuration

A jython dropbox is typically distributed as a core plugin and configured in its plugin.properties file. A dropbox configured to run a jython script, which is kept in the same directory as plugin.properties. The configuration requires a storage processor and the name of the script (a full path is not necessary if the script is in the same directory as the plugin.properties). Here is an example configuration for a dropbox that uses the jython handler.

# The directory to watch for new data sets
incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-jython

# The handler class. Must be either ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v2.JythonTopLevelDataSetHandlerV2 or a subclass thereof
top-level-data-set-handler = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v2.JythonTopLevelDataSetHandlerV2

# The script to execute, reloaded and recompiled each time a file/folder is placed in the dropbox
script-path = ${root-dir}/data-set-handler.py

# The appropriate storage processor
storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultStorageProcessor

# Specify jython version. Default is whatever is specified in datastore server service.properties under property "jython-version"
# False if incoming directory is assumed to exist.
# Default - true: Incoming directory will be created on start up if it doesn't exist.
incoming-dir-create = true

# Defines how the drop box decides if a folder is ready to process: either by a 'marker-file' or a time out which is called 'auto-detection'
# The time out is set globally in the service.properties and is called 'quiet-period'. This means when the number of seconds is over and no changes have
# been made to the incoming folder the drop will start to register. The marker file must have the following naming schema: '.MARKER_is_finished_<incoming_folder_name>'
incoming-data-completeness-condition = marker-file 
# Defines whether the dropbox should handle .h5 archives as folders (true) or as files (false). Default is true.
h5-folders = true
# Defines whether the dropbox should handle .h5ar archives as folders (true) or as files (false). Default is true.
h5ar-folders = true

Development mode

Set property development-mode = true in your dropbox to enable a quick feedback loop when developing your dropbox. By default dropboxes have complex auto-recovery mechanism working, which on errors waits and retries the registration several times. It can be useful in case of short network problems or other unexpected turbulences. In this case it can take a long time between the dropbox tries to register something, and actual error report. During development it is essential to have a quick feedback if your dropbox does what it should or not. Thus - set the development mode if you are modifying your script and remember to set it back when you are done.

Jython version

Set property plugin-jython-version=2.7 in your dropbox plugin.properties to change default jython version for the single dropbox. Available are versions 2.5 and 2.7

Jython API

When a new file is placed in the dropbox, the framework compiles and executes the script, checks that the signatures of the process function and any defined event-handling functions are correct, and then invokes its process function.


Have a look at IDataSetRegistrationTransactionV2 for the calls available in a transaction. Note that you need to use the file methods in the transaction, like e.g. moveFile(),  rather than manipulating the file system directly to get fully transactional behavior.

TransDatabase queries

The query object returned by getDatabaseQuery(String dataSourceName) allows to perform any query and executing any statement on the given query database in the context of a database transaction. Here are the methods available from the query interface:

public interface DynamicQuery {

     * Performs a SQL query. The returned List is connected to the database and
     * updateable.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template.
     * @return The result set as List; each row is represented as one Map<String,Object>.
    List<Map<String, Object>> select(final String query,
            final Object... parameters);

     * Performs a SQL query. The returned List is connected and
     * updateable.
     * @param type  The Java type to return one rows in the returned
     *            result set.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template.
     * @return The result set as List; each row is represented as one Map<String,Object>.
    <T> List<T> select(final Class<T> type, final String query,
            final Object... parameters);

     * Executes a SQL statement.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template.
     * @return The number of rows updated by the SQL statement, or -1 if not
     *         applicable. <b>Note:</b> Not all JDBC drivers support this
     *         cleanly.
    int update(final String query, final Object... parameters);

     * Executes a SQL statement as a batch for all parameter values provided.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template. At least
     *            one of the parameters needs to be an array or
     *            <code>Collection</code>. If multiple parameters are arrays or
     *            <code>Collection</code>, all of them need to have the same
     *            size.
     * @return The number of rows updated by the SQL statement, or -1 if not
     *         applicable. <b>Note:</b> Not all JDBC drivers support this
     *         cleanly.
    int batchUpdate(final String query, final Object... parameters);

     * Executes a SQL statement. Supposed to be used for INSERT statements with
     * an automatically generated integer key.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template.
     * @return The automatically generated key. <b>Note:</b> Not all JDBC
     *         drivers support this cleanly.
    long insert(final String query, final Object... parameters);

     * Executes a SQL statement. Supposed to be used for INSERT statements with
     * one or more automatically generated keys.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template.
     * @return The automatically generated keys. <b>Note:</b> Not all JDBC
     *         drivers support this cleanly and it is in general driver-dependent 
     *         what keys are present in the returned map.
    Map<String, Object> insertMultiKeys(final String query,
            final Object... parameters);

     * Executes a SQL statement as a batch for all parameter values provided.
     * Supposed to be used for INSERT statements with an automatically generated
     * integer key.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template. At least
     *            one of the parameters needs to be an array or
     *            <code>Collection</code>. If multiple parameters are arrays or
     *            <code>Collection</code>, all of them need to have the same
     *            size.
     * @return The automatically generated key for each element of the batch.
     *         <b>Note:</b> Not all JDBC drivers support this cleanly.
    long[] batchInsert(final String query, final Object... parameters);

     * Executes a SQL statement as a batch for all parameter values provided.
     * Supposed to be used for INSERT statements with one or more automatically
     * generated keys.
     * @param query  The SQL query template.
     * @param parameters  The parameters to fill into the SQL query template. At least
     *            one of the parameters needs to be an array or
     *            <code>Collection</code>. If multiple parameters are arrays or
     *            <code>Collection</code>, all of them need to have the same
     *            size.
     * @return The automatically generated keys for each element of the batch.
     *         <b>Note:</b> Not all JDBC drivers support this cleanly and it is
     *         in general driver-dependent what keys are present in the returned map.
    Map<String, Object>[] batchInsertMultiKeys(final String query,
            final Object... parameters);

Events / Registration Process Hooks

The script can be informed of events that occur during the registration process. To be informed of an event, define a function in the script file with the name specified in the table. The script can do anything it wants within an event function. Typical things to do in event functions include sending emails or registering data in secondary databases. Some of the event functions can be used to control the behavior of the registration.

This table summarizes the supported events.

Events Table

Function Name

Return Value


pre_metadata_registration(DataSetRegistrationContext context)

Called before the openBIS AS is informed of the metadata modifications. Throwing an exception in this method aborts the transaction.

post_metadata_registration(DataSetRegistrationContext context)


The metadata has been successfully stored in the openBIS AS. This can also be a place to register data in a secondary transaction, with the semantics that any errors are ignored.

rollback_pre_registration(DataSetRegistrationContext context, Exception exception)


Called if the metadata was not successfully storedin the openBIS AS.

post_storage(DataSetRegistrationContext context)voidCalled once the data has been placed in the appropriate sharded directory of the store. This can only happen if the metadata was successfully registered with the AS.
should_retry_processing(DataSetRegistrationContext context, Exception problem)booleanA problem occurred with the process function, should the operation be retried? A retry happens only if this method returns true.

Note: the rollback_pre_registration function is intended to handle cases when the dropbox code finished properly, but the registration of data in openbis failed. These kinds of problems are impossible to handle from inside of the process function. The exceptions raised during the call to the process function should be handled by the function itself by catching exceptions.

Typical Usage Table

Function NameUsage 
pre_metadata_registration(DataSetRegistrationContext context)

This event can be used as a place to register information in a secondary database. If the transaction in the secondary database does not commit, false can be returned to prevent the data from entering openBIS.

post_metadata_registration(DataSetRegistrationContext context)

This event can be used as a place to register information in a secondary database. Errors encountered are ignored.

rollback_pre_registration(DataSetRegistrationContext context, Exception exception)

Undoing a commit to a secondary transaction. Sending an email to the admin that the data set could not be stored.

post_storage(DataSetRegistrationContext context)Sending an email to tell the user that the data has been successfully registered. Notifying an external system that a data set has been registered.
should_retry_processing(DataSetRegistrationContext context, Exception problem)
 Informing openBIS if it should retry processing a data set.

Example Scripts

A simple script that registers the incoming file as a data set associated with a particular experiment.

def process(transaction):
	dataSet = transaction.createNewDataSet()
	incoming = transaction.getIncoming()
	transaction.moveFile(incoming.getAbsolutePath(), dataSet)

A script that registers the incoming file and associates it to a daily experiment, which is created if necessary.

from datetime import datetime
def process(transaction)
	# Try to get the experiment for today
	now_str = datetime.today().strftime('%Y%m%d')
	expid = "/TESTGROUP/TESTPROJ/" + now_str
	exp = transaction.getExperiment(expid)
	# Create an experiment
	if None == exp:
		exp = transaction.createNewExperiment(expid, "COMPOUND_HCS")
		exp.setPropertyValue("DESCRIPTION", "An experiment created on " + datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
		exp.setPropertyValue("COMMENT", now_str)
	dataSet = transaction.createNewDataSet()
	incoming = transaction.getIncoming()	
	transaction.moveFile(incoming.getAbsolutePath(), dataSet)

Delete, Move, or Leave Alone on Error

When a problem occurs processing a file in the dropbox, the processing is retried. This behavior can be controlled (see #Errors). If openBIS determines that it should not retry after an error or that it cannot successfully register the entities requested, the registration fails. It it possible to configure what happens to a file in the dropbox if a registration fails. The configuration can specify a behavior – delete the file, move it to an error folder, or leave it untouched – for each of several possible sources of errors.

By default, the file is left untouched in every case. To change this behavior, specify an on-error-decision property on the drop box. This has one required sub-key, "class"; other sub-keys are determined by the class.


  • Main Key:
    • on-error-decision
  • Required Sub Keys:
    • class : The class the implements the decision

There is currently one class available : ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.ConfiguredOnErrorActionDecision

This class has the following sub keys:

    • invalid-data-set (a data set that fails validation)
    • validation-script-error (the validation script did not execute correctly)
    • registration-error (openBIS failed to register the data set)
    • registration-script-error (the registration script did not execute correctly)
    • storage-processor-error (the storage processor reports an error)
    • post-registration-error (an error happened after the data set had been registered and stored)


# On Error Decision
# The class that implements the decision
on-error-decision.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.ConfiguredOnErrorActionDecision
# What to do if the data set fails validation
on-error-decision.invalid-data-set = MOVE_TO_ERROR
# What to do if the validation script has problems
on-error-decision.validation-script-error = MOVE_TO_ERROR
# What to do if the openBIS does not accept the entities
on-error-decision.registration-error = MOVE_TO_ERROR
# What to do if the registration script has problems
on-error-decision.registration-script-error = MOVE_TO_ERROR
# What to do if the storage processor does not run correctly
on-error-decision.storage-processor-error = MOVE_TO_ERROR
# What to do if an error occurs after the entities have been registered in openBIS
on-error-decision.post-registration-error = MOVE_TO_ERROR

The transaction provides an interface for listing and searching for core entities, experiment, sample, and data set.


To use the search capability, one must first retrieve the search service from the transaction. By default the search service returns the entities filtered to only those accessible by the user on behalf of wich, the script is running. It is still possible to search all existing entities by using unfiltered search service accessible from the transaction via method getSearchServiceUnfiltered().


For experiment, there is a facility for listing all experiments that belong to a specified project.

Sample and Data Set

For sample and data set, a more powerful search capability is available. This requires a bit more knowledge of the java classes, but is very flexible. For each entity, there is a simplified method that performs a search for samples or data sets, respectively, with a specified value for a particular property, optionally restricted by entity type (sample type or data set type). This provides an easy-to-use interface for a common case. More complex searches, however, need to use the more powerful API.

Authorization Service

The transaction provides an interface for querying the access privileges of a user and for filtering collections of entities down to those visible to a user.


To use the authorization service, one must first retrieve the it from the transaction.


Combined Example

In this example, we create a data set, list experiments belonging to a project, search for samples, search for data sets, and assign the experiment, sample, and parent data sets based on the results of the searches.

def process(tr):
	data_set = tr.createNewDataSet()
	incoming = tr.getIncoming()
	tr.moveFile(incoming.getAbsolutePath(), data_set)
	# Get the search service
	search_service = tr.getSearchService()

	# List all experiments in a project
	experiments = search_service.listExperiments("/cisd/noe")

	# Search for all samples with a property value determined by the file name; we don't care about the type
	samplePropValue = incoming.getName()
	samples = search_service.searchForSamples("ORGANISM", samplePropValue, None)

	# If possible, set the owner to the first sample, otherwise the first experiment
	if samples.size() > 0:

	# Search for any potential parent data sets and use them as parents
	parent_data_sets = search_service.searchForDataSets("COMMENT", "no comment", "HCS_IMAGE")
	parent_data_set_codes = map(lambda each : each.getDataSetCode(), parent_data_sets)

An example from the Deep Sequencing environment handling BAM files:

This is handling bowtie-BAM files and extracts some properties from the BAM header and
the samtools flagstat command. The results are formatted and attached  as a property
to the openBIS DataSet.
Prerequisites are the DataSetType: ALIGNMENT and
the following properties assigned to the DataSetType mentioned above:
Obviously you need a working samtools binary
print statements go to: ~openbis/sprint/datastore_server/log/startup_log.txt
import os
from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SearchCriteria
def process(transaction):
	incoming = transaction.getIncoming()
	# Create a data set and set type
	dataSet = transaction.createNewDataSet("ALIGNMENT")
	incomingPath = incoming.getAbsolutePath()
	# Get the incoming name
	name = incoming.getName()
	# expected incoming Name, e.g.:ETHZ_BSSE_110429_63558AAXX_1_sorted.bam
	split = name.split("_")
	sample=split[2]+ '_'+ split[3] + ':' + split[4]
	# Extract values from a samtools view and set the results as DataSet properties
	# Command: samtools view -H ETHZ_BSSE_110429_63558AAXX_1_sorted.bam
	arguments = SAMTOOLS + ' view -H ' + FOLDER + name
	#print('Arguments: '+ arguments)
	cmdResult = os.popen(arguments).read()
	properties = cmdResult.split("\n")[-2].split('\t')
	aligner = (properties[1].split(':')[1].upper() +  '_' + properties[2].split(':')[1])
	command = properties[3]
	arguments = SAMTOOLS + ' flagstat ' + FOLDER + name
	cmdResult = os.popen(arguments).read()
	totalReads = cmdResult.split('\n')[0].split(' ')[0]
	mappedReads = cmdResult.split('\n')[2].split(' ')[0]
	dataSet.setPropertyValue("ALIGNMENT_SOFTWARE", aligner)
	dataSet.setPropertyValue("ISSUED_COMMAND", command)
	dataSet.setPropertyValue("SAMTOOLS_FLAGSTAT", cmdResult)
	dataSet.setPropertyValue("TOTAL_READS", totalReads)
	dataSet.setPropertyValue("MAPPED_READS", mappedReads)
	# Add the incoming file into the data set
	transaction.moveFile(incomingPath, dataSet)
	# Get the search service
	search_service = transaction.getSearchService()
	# Search for the sample
	sc = SearchCriteria()
	sc.addMatchClause(SearchCriteria.MatchClause.createAttributeMatch(SearchCriteria.MatchClauseAttribute.CODE, sample));
	foundSamples = search_service.searchForSamples(sc)
	if foundSamples.size() > 0:

Error Handling

Automatic Retry (auto recovery)

OpenBIS has a complex mechanism to ensure that the data registration via dropboxes is atomic. When error occurs during data registration, the dropbox will try several times before it gives up on the process. The retries can happen to the initial processing of the data, as well as to the registration in application server. Even if these fail there is still a chance to finish the registration. If the registration reaches the certain level it stores the checkpoint on the disk. If at any point the process fails, or the dss goes down it tries to recover from the checkpoint.

There are two types of checkpoint files: State files and marker files. There are stored in two different directories. The default location for the state files is datastore_sever/recovery-state. This can be changed by the property dss-recovery-state-dir  in DSS service.properties. The default location for the marker files was <store location>/<share id>/recovery-marker. This may lead to problems if this local is remote. Since version 20.10.6 the default location is  datastore_sever/recovery-marker-dir. This can be changed by the property dss-recovery-marker-dir  in DSS service.properties

The process function will be retried if a should_retry_processing function is defined in the dropbox script and it returns true. There are two configuration settings that affect this behavior. The setting process-max-retry-count limits the number of times the process function can be retried. The number of times to retry before giving up and the waiting periods are defined using properties shown in the table below.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please note, that the registration is considered as failed only after, the whole retrying / recovery process will fail. It means that it can take a long time before the .faulty_paths file is created, even when there is a simple dropbox error.

Therefor during development of a dropbox we recommend using development mode , wich basically sets all retry values to 0, thus disabling the auto-recovery feature.


Default Value




The maximum number of times the process function can be retried.



The amount of time to wait between retries of the process function.



The number of times registering metadata with the server can be retried.



The number of times registering metadata with the server can be retried.



The number of times the recovery from checkpoint can be retries.



The amount of time to wait between recovery from checkpoint retries.

Manual Recovery

The registration of data sets with Jython dropboxes has been designed to be quite robust. Nonetheless, there are situations in which problems may arise. This can especially be a problem during the development of dropboxes. Here are the locations and semantics of several important files and folders that can be useful for debugging a dropbox.

File or Folder



Keeps logs of registrations. See the registration log documentation for more information.


Contains hard-link copies of the original data. Dropbox process operate on these hardlink copies.


The location used to prepare data sets for registration.


Where data from data sets are kept while register the metadata with the AS. Once metadata registration succeeds, files are moved from this folder into the final store directory.

[store]/[share]/recovery-marker (before version 20.10.6)

datastore_sever/recovery-marker-dir (since version 20.10.6)

Directories, one per dropbox, where marker files are kept that indicate that a recovery should happen on an incoming file if it is reprocessed. Deleting a marker file will force the incoming file to be processed as a new file, not a recovery.

Classpath / Configuration

If you want other jython modules to be available to the code that implements the drop box, you will need to modify the datastore_server.conf file and add something like


To the JAVA_OPTS environment variable. The line should now look something like this:

JAVA_OPTS=${JAVA_OPTS:=-server -d64 -Dpython.path=data/dropboxes/scripts:lib/jython-lib}

If the Jython dropbox need third-party JAR files they have to be added to the core plugin in a sub-folder lib/.

Validation scripts

See Jython DataSetValidator.

Global Thread Parameters

If you want to write a drop box which uses some parameters defined in the service.properties you can access those properties via the getGlobalState. Here we show an example how to use:

Global tread properties
	def getThreadProperties(transaction):
	  threadPropertyDict = {}
	  threadProperties = transaction.getGlobalState().getThreadParameters().getThreadProperties()
	  for key in threadProperties:
	      threadPropertyDict[key] = threadProperties.getProperty(key)
	  return threadPropertyDict

    # You can later access the thread properties like this:
	threadPropertyDict = getThreadProperties(transaction)
	incomingRootDir = threadPropertyDict[u'incoming-root-dir']

Sending Emails from a Drop box

def post_storage(context):
	mailClient = context.getGlobalState().getMailClient()
	results = context.getPersistentMap().get(PERSISTANT_KEY_MAP)
	sendEmail(mailClient, results[0]) 

def process(transaction):
	transaction.getRegistrationContext().getPersistentMap().put(PERSISTANT_KEY_MAP, [fcId])

Java Dropboxes

The above examples show how to implement dropboxes in Python. Python, however, is not the only language option: it is also possible to write dropboxes in Java. Whereas Python has the advantage of short turnaround and less verbose syntax, Java is a good choice in the dropbox employs complex logic and/or does not need to be modified frequently. A natural progression is to use Python at the beginning, when creating a new dropbox, to take advantage of the short turnaround cycle and then move to Java once the dropbox implementation becomes more stable. Since the API is the same, this language transition process is quite painless.


As with other dropboxes, a Java dropbox should be deployed as a core-plugin.

# The directory to watch for new data sets
incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-java-dropbox

# The handler class. Must be either ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v2.JavaTopLevelDataSetHandlerV2 or a subclass thereof
top-level-data-set-handler = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v2.JavaTopLevelDataSetHandlerV2

# The class that implements the dropbox (must implement ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v2.IJavaDataSetRegistrationDropboxV2)
program-class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v2.ExampleJavaDataSetRegistrationDropboxV2

# The appropriate storage processor
storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultStorageProcessor

# False if incoming directory is assumed to exist.
# Default - true: Incoming directory will be created on start up if it doesn't exist.
incoming-dir-create = true

The program-class parameter specifies the class that implements the logic of the dropbox. This class must implement the IJavaDataSetRegistrationDropboxV2 interface. This class, and any other code it uses, should be packaged in a jar file that is provided with the core-plugin. The name of the jar file can be freely chosen.


To implement a dropbox in Java, implement the IJavaDataSetRegistrationDropboxV2 interface, which codifies the interaction between the datastore server and the dropbox. We recommend subclassing AbstractJavaDataSetRegistrationDropboxV2 to bootstrap the implementation of this interface.

 * The interface that V2 dropboxes must implement. Defines the process method, which is called to
 * handle new data in the dropbox's incoming folder, and various event methods called as the
 * registration process progresses.
 * @author Pawel Glyzewski
public interface IJavaDataSetRegistrationDropboxV2
     * Invoked when new data is found in the incoming folder. Implements the logic of registering
     * and modifying entities.
     * @param transaction The transaction that offers methods for registering and modifying entities
     *            and performing operations on the file system.
    public void process(IDataSetRegistrationTransactionV2 transaction);
     * Invoked just before the metadata is registered with the openBIS AS. Gives dropbox
     * implementations an opportunity to perform additional operations. If an exception is thrown in
     * this method, the transaction is rolledback.
     * @param context Context of the registration. Offers access to the global state and persistent
     *            map.
    public void preMetadataRegistration(DataSetRegistrationContext context);
     * Invoked if the transaction is rolledback before the metadata is registered with the openBIS
     * AS.
     * @param context Context of the registration. Offers access to the global state and persistent
     *            map.
     * @param throwable The throwable that triggered rollback.
    public void rollbackPreRegistration(DataSetRegistrationContext context, Throwable throwable);
     * Invoked just after the metadata is registered with the openBIS AS. Gives dropbox
     * implementations an opportunity to perform additional operations. If an exception is thrown in
     * this method, it is logged but otherwise ignored.
     * @param context Context of the registration. Offers access to the global state and persistent
     *            map.
    public void postMetadataRegistration(DataSetRegistrationContext context);
     * Invoked after the data has been stored in its final location on the file system and the
     * storage has been confirmed with the AS.
     * @param context Context of the registration. Offers access to the global state and persistent
     *            map.
    public void postStorage(DataSetRegistrationContext context);
     * Is a function defined that can be used to check if a failed registration should be retried?
     * Primarily for use implementations of this interface that dispatch to dynamic languages.
     * @return true shouldRetryProcessing is defined, false otherwise.
    public boolean isRetryFunctionDefined();
     * Given the problem with registration, should it be retried?
     * @param context Context of the registration. Offers access to the global state and persistent
     *            map.
     * @param problem The exception that caused the registration to fail.
     * @return true if the registration should be retried.
    public boolean shouldRetryProcessing(DataSetRegistrationContext context, Exception problem)
            throws NotImplementedException;

Sending Emails in a drop box (simple)

from ch.systemsx.cisd.common.mail import EMailAddress

def process(transaction):
	replyTo = EMailAddress("manuel.kohler@id.ethz.ch")
	fromAddress = replyTo
	recipient1 = EMailAddress("recipient1@ethz.ch")
	recipient2 = EMailAddress("recipient2@ethz.ch")

  transaction.getGlobalState().getMailClient().sendEmailMessage("This is the subject", \
                "This is the body", replyTo, fromAddress, recipient1, recipient2);

Java Dropbox Example

This is a simple example of a pure-java dropbox that creates a sample and registers the incoming file as a data set of this sample.

package ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v2;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v1.IDataSet;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.registrator.api.v1.ISample;
import ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.internal.v1.IExperimentImmutable;
 * An example dropbox implemented in Java.
 * @author Chandrasekhar Ramakrishnan
public class ExampleJavaDataSetRegistrationDropboxV2 extends
    public void process(IDataSetRegistrationTransactionV2 transaction)
        String sampleId = "/CISD/JAVA-TEST";
        ISample sample = transaction.createNewSample(sampleId, "DYNAMIC_PLATE");
        IExperimentImmutable exp = transaction.getExperiment("/CISD/NEMO/EXP-TEST-1");
        IDataSet dataSet = transaction.createNewDataSet();
        transaction.moveFile(transaction.getIncoming().getAbsolutePath(), dataSet);

Java Code location

The Java file should go into a lib folder and should be wrapped as a jar. The name does not matter.

While building a jar, the project should have the following dependencies: openBIS-API-dropbox-<version>.jar, lib-commonbase-<version>.jar and cisd-hotdeploy-13.01.0.jar. The first two are available in the distribution in the archives openBIS-API-commonbase-<version>.zip and openBIS-API-dropbox-<version>.zip, the third one is available in the Ivy repo.

Example path where the created jar should reside:


Create a jar from your java dropbox file:

jar cvf foo.jar foo.java

Restart the DSS

Calling an Aggregation Service from a drop box

drop box code
Manuel Kohler
from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.EncapsulatedOpenBISService import createQueryApiServer
def process(transaction):
    # use the etl server session token
    session_token = transaction.getOpenBisServiceSessionToken()

    # To find out do SQL on the openBIS DB: select code from data_stores;
    dss = "STANDARD"

    # folder name under the reporting_plugins
    service_key = "reporting_experimental"   

    # some parameters which are handed over
    d = {"param1": "hello", "param2": "from a drop box"}

    # connection to the openbis server returns IQueryApiServer
    s = createQueryApiServer("", "600")

    # Actual call
    # Parameters: String sessionToken, String dataStoreCode,String serviceKey, Map<String, Object> parameters)
    s.createReportFromAggregationService(session_token, dss, service_key, d)

Known limitations


Registering/updating a large number of entities can cause other concurrent operations that try to modify the same or related entities to be blocked. This limitation applies to both dropboxes and batch operations triggered from the web UI. Lists of operations that are blocked are presented below. Each list contains operations that cannot be performed when a specific kind of entity is being registered/updated.


  • creating/updating an experiment in the same project
  • updating the same space
  • updating the same project
  • updating the same experiment


  • creating/updating an experiment in the same project
  • creating/updating a sample in the same experiment
  • updating the same space
  • updating the same project
  • updating the same experiment
  • updating the same sample

Data set:

  • creating/updating an experiment in the same project
  • creating/updating a sample in the same experiment
  • creating a dataset in the same experiment
  • updating the same space
  • updating the same project
  • updating the same experiment
  • updating the same sample


  • updating the same material
  • No labels