Extended Properties
For configuration of openBIS servers Java Properties files are used. Usually they are just files with key-value pairs of the form
<key> = value
For more details see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Properties.html#load%28java.io.InputStream%29
Two extensions allow to reuse properties in a properties file to avoid duplication of concrete property values.
Reusing Properties in Values
If in a property value with a term like ${<key>
} appears it will be replaced by the value of the property with key <key>
Example: The following extended properties file
A = 12345678 B = ${A}90 C = ${B} plus more
is equivalent to the following normal properties file
A = 12345678 B = 1234567890 C = 1234567890 plus more
It is also possible to define a default value which used if the referred property couldn't be found. Syntax:
${<key>:<default value>
Example: The following extended properties file
greetings = hello ${user:world}
is equivalent to the following properties file:
greetings = hello world
If the line user = albert
is added it would be equivalent to
greetings = hello albert
Inherit Properties
A property inherits the value from another property if there is a third property (called inheritance definition property) with a key which is the prefix of the key of the first property. This prefix will be replaced by the value of the inheritance definition property to get the key of the second property from whom the first inherits the value. A key of an inheritance definition property has to end with a dot '.'. Inheritance definition properties will only apply if no property for a specified key could be found.
Example: The following extended properties file
default-address.town = Basel default-address.zip-code = 4058 default-address.street = Mattenstrasse 26 bsse-address. = default-address. fmi-address. = default-address. fmi-address.street = Maulbeerstrasse 66
is equivalent to the following normal properties file
default-address.town = Basel default-address.zip-code = 4058 default-address.street = Mattenstrasse 26 bsse-address. = default-address. bsse-address.town = Basel bsse-address.zip-code = 4058 bsse-address.street = Mattenstrasse 26 fmi-address. = default-address. fmi-address.town = Basel fmi-address.zip-code = 4058 fmi-address.street = Maulbeerstrasse 66
This example shows not only inheritance (town
, zip-code
, and street
) but also overriding: fmi-address.street
overrides default-address.street