Custom Database Queries


openBIS application server can be configured to query any relational database server via SQL. There are three ways to use this feature in openBIS Web application:

  • Running arbitrary SELECT statements.
  • Defining parametrized queries.
  • Running parametrized queries.

The three features correspond to three menu items of the menu Queries.

The last feature can be used by any user having OBSERVER role whereas for the first two features user needs a query creator role which usually is at least POWER_USER role and is configured by administrator of the openBIS server. The idea is that power users having the knowledge to write SQL queries define a query which can be used by everybody without knowing much about SQL.

Multiple query databases may be configured for any openBIS Web application. Database labels specified in the configuration file will be shown in a combo box for database selection while defining new / editing existing queries.

Note that only the first 100000 rows of the result set of a query are shown. This restriction should prevent from running ill-designed queries which consume all the memory of the server. There is also a time out of 5 minutes defined after which the query is canceled if it didn't return any result.

How it works


  • is configured as a core-plugin of type "query-databases"
  • can be assigned to a space:
    • space == null : should be used for databases that contain data from multiple spaces or data which is space unrelated
    • space != null : should be used for databases that contain data from one specific space only
  • can be assigned a minimal query creator role:
    • database with space == null : by default the minimal query creator role is INSTANCE_OBSERVER
    • database with space != null : by default the minimal query creator role is POWER_USER


  • can be created/updated/deleted only by a user with a database minimal query creator role or stronger (if database space != null then the user role has to be defined for that space or the user has to be an instance admin)
  • can be seen by:
    • private query : a user who created it or an instance admin
    • public query : any user
  • can be executed by:
    • database with space == null : by users with at least PROJECT_OBSERVER role (results are filtered by a experiment_key/sample_key/data_set_key column values which are expected to contain entity perm_id; WARNING: if no such column is returned by a query then ALL results are returned)
    • database with space != null : by users with at least SPACE_OBSERVER role in that space (all results are returned without any filtering as they all belong to the space a user has access to)
  • can be updated/executed/deleted only by a user who can see the query
  • can contain additional parameters (e.g. ${my_parameter}); values of such parameters can be set in the UI by a user right before an execution of a query
  • can be GENERIC (accessible only from the "Queries" top menu) or EXPERIMENT/SAMPLE/DATA_SET/MATERIAL specific (accessible from the "Queries" top menu and from Experiment/Sample/DataSet/Material view respectively)
  • entity specific queries should contain '${key}' parameter which will be replaced by a permId of the displayed experiment/sample or by a code of the displayed dataset/material before the query execution (MATERIAL queries also have '${type}' parameter which is replaced with a type code of the material)
  • entity specific queries may be configured to appear only in the views of entities of chosen types (e.g. only for samples of types that match a given regexp)

Arbitrary SQL:

  • running an arbitrary SQL is treated as a creation of a query which is simply not stored for a future use i.e. only a user with a minimal query creator role or stronger can do it (if database space != null then the user role has to be defined for that space or the user has to be an instance admin)


To use the custom database queries, it is necessary to define query databases. See Installation and Administrator Guide of the openBIS Server for an explanation on how to do this.

Running a Parametrized Query

  1. Choose menu item Queries -> Run Predefined Query. The tab Predefined Query opens.
  2. Choose a query using the query combo box. Queries specified for all configured databases are selected transparently using the same combo box which displays only query names.
  3. If the query has no parameters it will be executed immediately and the result is shown in tabular form. Otherwise text fields for each parameter appear right of the query combo box.
  4. Enter some values into the parameter fields and click on the Execute button. The query result will be shown as a table.

Features of a query result:

  • The result can be browsed, exported, sorted, and filtered as most tables in openBIS.
  • Values referring to permIDs of an experiment, sample, or data set might be shown as hyperlinks. A click on such a link opens a new tab with details.

Running a SELECT statement

This feature is only for users with creator role. It is useful for exploring the database by ad hoc queries.

  1. Choose menu item Queries -> Run Custom SQL Query. The tab Custom SQL Query opens.
  2. Enter a SELECT statement in the text area, select database and click on the Execute button. The result appears below in tabular form.

Defining and Editing Parametrized Queries

This feature is only for users with creator role.

Define a Query

  1. Choose menu item Queries -> Browse Query Definitions. The tab Query Definitions opens. It shows all definitions where the user has access rights.
  2. Click on Add Query Definition for defining a new parametrized query. A large dialog pops up.
  3. Enter a name, database, an optional description, and a SELECT statement.
  4. Click on button Test Query Definition to execute the query. The result will be shown in the same dialog.
  5. Click on button Save to save the definition. The dialog disappears and the new definition appears in the table of query definitions.

Public flag

A query definition can be public or private depending on whether the check box public is checked or not. A private query is visible only by its creator. Public queries are visible by everybody. The idea is that a power user first creates query definitions for their own purposes. If he or she find it useful for other users they will set the public flag.

Specifying Parameters

A SQL query can have parameters which are defined later by the user running the query. A parameter is of the form ${<parameter name>}. Example:

select * from my_table where code = ${my table code}

The parameter name will appear in the text field when running the query. Optionally, you can provide key-value pairs which are "metadata" for the parameter name and separated by '::' from the name. These metadata keys are defined:

Metadata keyExplanationExample
typeSets the data type of this parameter. Valid values are VARCHAR (or STRING), CHAR, INTEGER, BIGINT, FLOAT, DOUBLE, BOOLEAN, TIME, DATE or TIMESTAMP.${code::type=VARCHAR}
listComa-separated list of allowed values for the parameter.${color::list=red,green,blue}
queryA SQL query which is run to determine the allowed values for the parameter. The query is expected to return exactly one column. You should specify only fast queries here with a reasonably small number of returned rows as the UI will block until this query has returned.${name::query=select last_name from users}

It is possible to combine multiple keys like this: ${estimate::type=integer::list=1,3,7,12}.

Why to provide a data type

Providing a data type with type=... is not mandatory. In a future version of the software we may add additional client-side validation based on this value, but in the current version we don't do that yet. If you do not provide a data type, openBIS will ask the database for the type of the particular query parameter. This works fine for most databases, but not for all. Oracle is a well-known example that cannot provide this information. So if your query source is an Oracle database and you do not provide a data type, you will get an error saying "Unsupported feature". To fix this, you have to provide the data type.

Array Literals for PostgreSQL data sources

For PostgreSQL, there exist neat array functions ANY and ALL (see PostgreSQL documentation). In particularly ANY comes in handy in WHERE clauses to check whether a column has one of several values. The official form for providing an array literal as a string (which is what you have to do here) is a bit clumsy, as you have to write for the query "select * from data where code = ANY(${codes}::text[])" and then the user running the query has to put the parameter value in curly braces like "{code1,code2,code3,...}".

The custom query engine has a simplification for this construct. You can just write: "select * from data where code = ANY({${codes}})" for the query and then the user running the query will be able to skip the curly bracket and write for the parameter value: "code1,code2,code3,...". A user who doesn't know that this is an array will in particular get away with just providing a single value like "code1".

Note that the most obvious way of specifying a set relationship with "select * from data where code in (${codes})" does not work as custom queries are not using simple text concatenation but prepared queries to avoid a security problem known as "SQL Injection".

In order to create hyperlinks in the result table the column names in the SQL statement should be one of the following magic words:

  • experiment_key
  • sample_key
  • data_set_key
    They should denote a perm ID of specified type.

    select id, perm_id as data_set_key from data_sets

Be careful with this feature: The table is shown with the hyperlinks even if the value isn't a perm ID of specified type.

Edit a Query

  1. Choose menu item Queries -> Browse Query Definitions. The tab Query Definitions opens.
  2. Select a query and click on button Edit. The same dialog as for defining a query pops up.

Entity Queries (Experiment, Sample, Material, Data Set)

By default, all custom queries are Generic, which means that the user will be able to execute them from the standard Queries menu.

Additionally it is possible to create a query containing a special 'magic' parameter, which will be automatically replaced by the entity identifier (perm id in case of experiments and samples, code for data sets and a pair (code, type) in case of materials). Those entity specific queries will be visible only in entity details views (e.g. experiment details) in a special section called Queries. One can also limit visibility of a query to a specific entity types (e.g. experiment of type EXP).

How to create/edit entity custom queries

Entity custom queries can be created and edited in the same way as Generic queries (Queries -> Browse Query Definitions), but the value of Query Type field should be set to Experiment, Sample, Data Set or Material.

Entity Type (e.g. Experiment Type) should be changed if one wants to limit the visibility of a query to a specific type (default option - (all), doesn't introduce such a restriction). The field accepts not only values selected from the list but also typed text containing a regular expression (e.g. Experiment Type 'EXP.*' would mean that the query should be visible in views of experiments of type with code starting with 'EXP' prefix).

Furthermore the sql should contain the 'magic' parameter '${key}' (will be replaced by perm id (experiment, sample) or code (data set, material)). In case of material custom query, additional 'magic' parameter is required: '${type}' (will be replaced by material type code).



Magic Parameters

Replaced By

SQL Example



perm id

select * from experiments where perm_id = ${key}



perm id

select * from samples where perm_id = ${key}

Data Set



select * from data where code = ${key}



type of material

select * from materials where code = ${key} and type = ${type}

Legacy Syntax

Older versions of openBIS required to put string parameters in ticks, like '${param}'. Current versions of openBIS don't need this anymore, so you can use ${param} without the ticks. However, the syntax with ticks is still accept for backward compatibility.

  • No labels