What is Simple View Mode
The Simple View Mode is a version of openBis Web GUI, that:
- always shows exactly one view (e.g.
Experiment Details
orSample Browser
) - has no top menu
- has no tab bar
- does not allow any data management (report only view;
... buttons are disabled). - links in the Simple View Mode are regular hyperlinks, so they can be bookmarked and opened in new browser window (or browser tab)
- supports browser history buttons (
) allowing to navigate between already visited views - is entered by following a URL, e.g. a perm link
What operations are supported by Simple View Mode
- browse meta data
- search for meta data
- show data sets
- run reports on data sets
- run custom queries (like e.g. versus a bespoke data schema)
How to access Simple View Mode
openBIS switches to Simple View Mode, if a special parameter (viewMode=simple
) is found in the URL.
For the OpenBIS available at https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/
, the Simple View Mode will be: https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple
How to embed openBIS on external pages
Embedded mode is a small extension of the Simple View Mode.
It is suitable for embedding openBIS inside external web pages:
- toolbar at the top and footer are not displayed
- each table has only one button which allows to export it. There are no buttons for filtering, refreshing and changing the settings.
Special parameter (viewMode=embedded
) should be attached to the URL to switch embedded mode on, the whole URL will look like this: https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=embedded
It can be also configured on the server side that embedded mode is the default one.
How to create bookmarks for Simple View Mode
- Experiment browser:
- without any preselection:
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=BROWSE&entity=EXPERIMENT - with preselected space
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=BROWSE&entity=EXPERIMENT&space=SPACE1 - with preselected space
and experiment typeTYPE1
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=BROWSE&entity=EXPERIMENT&space=SPACE1&type=TYPE1 - with preselected project
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=BROWSE&entity=EXPERIMENT&project=/SPACE1/PROJECT1 - with preselected project
and experiment typeTYPE1
- without any preselection:
- Sample browser:
- without any preselection:
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=BROWSE&entity=SAMPLE - with preselected space
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=BROWSE&entity=SAMPLE&space=SPACE1 - with preselected space
and sample typeTYPE1
- without any preselection:
- Material browser:
- without any preselection:
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=BROWSE&entity=MATERIAL - with preselected material type
- without any preselection:
- Metaproject browser:
Detail views, search, queries
- Detail view of project with code
in spaceSPACE1
: - Detail view of material with code
of typeTYPE1
: - Detail view of sample with code
: - Search for data sets of type
: - Results of a query named
: - Results of a query named
that has two parametersPARAM1
:- https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=QUERY&name=QUERY1&_PARAM1=value1&_PARAM2=value2
there is
before every parameter name in the bookmark
- Global search with a query text
and an optional type of the searched entitiesSample
High Content Screening specific links
- Detail view of material with code
of typeTYPE1
with preselected experiment with identifier/SPACE1/PROJECT1/EXP1
:- https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=VIEW&entity=MATERIAL&code=MATERIAL1&type=TYPE1&experiment=/SPACE1/PROJECT1/EXP1
- optionally analysis procedure can be specified by adding
- only in embedded mode (in other modes all the links open the same material detail view)
- Open material summary for all experiments. Material is specified by material code
, material typeTYPE1
. Experiments can be restricted to a single project (in the example/SPACE1/PROJECT1
). ThespaceCode
parameters are optional. When not specified an aggregated view of all known experiments will be returned. - Open material replicas summary for given experiment with identifier
, material codeMATERIAL1
and material typeTYPE1
- https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=embedded#action=VIEW&entity=MATERIAL&code=MATERIAL1&type=TYPE1&experiment=/SPACE1/PROJECT1/EXP1
- whenever experiment is specified, one can add
parameter. It causes that if someone opens the "material summary for all experiments" view, only the experiments from the same project as the current experiment will be taken into account.
- Open material summary for all experiments. Material is specified by material code
- To show images of the well with code WELL_CODE (e.g. E1) from a platewith perm id PLATE_PERM_ID (e.g. 20100823133908215-912), even if the well sample does not exist, one can use a following syntax:
- To show images of the well with code WELL_CODE (e.g. E1) from a image datasetwith perm id DATASET_PERM_ID (e.g. 201008132132132-123), even if the well sample does not exist, one can use a following syntax:
- Find all wells which are connected to materials of the specified type
with a given material code or propertyMATERIAL_CODE_OR_PROPERTY
in the experiment with a given permIdEXP_PERM_ID
. If showCombinedResultsis set to false the link displays materials without the accompanying plates/wells/datasets.- https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=WELL_SEARCH&experimentPermId=EXP_PERM_ID&isExactSearch=true&types=TYPE_CODE&items=MATERIAL_CODE_OR_PROPERTY&showCombinedResults=true
- if
parameter is specified, one can addrestrictGlobalSearchToProject=true
parameter. It causes that if someone reaches the "material summary for all experiments" view, only the experiments from the same project as the specified experiment will be taken into account. - one can restrict the search to one project instead of one experiment using optional spaceCode and projectCode parameters. For project /SPACE1/PROJECT1 the URL should contain
parameter should not be specified in this case. - in case of finding no matching materials openBIS can perform a redirection to a specified page. The url can be specified with an optional
parameter, e.g.noResultsRedirectionUrl=http://my-portat.org?no-results-found
- Open a global well search panel
- without search parameters
- with search parameters. The meaning of the parameters
is exactly the same as for the actionWELL_SEARCH
- Open feature vector summary for the materials within an experiment with given permId
and optional analysis procedureANALYSIS_PROCEDURE
- Plate metadata report for a plate with permId
Permlinks are already in use in the standard View Mode and instead of creating them by hand one
can copy them from openbis.
- Permlink for showing detail viewof a sample/experimen/dataset can be copied from:
Show Detail Link
column of tables where the entities are listedPermId
property value in detail view of the entity
- Permlink for downloading file attachment can be copied from
column ofAttachments
table in detail view of the entity to which the attachment was assigned.
Example permlinks:
- Permlink to detail view of sample set with permId
(for experiment/data set set entity=EXPERIMENT/DATA_SET):
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=VIEW&entity=SAMPLE&permId=ID1 - Permlink for dowloading file attachment with name
in version1
- for project with code
in spaceSPACE1
https://openbis.mydomain.ch/openbis/?viewMode=simple#action=DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT&file=FILE.PDF&version=1&entity=PROJECT&code=PROJECT1&space=SPACE1 - for sample with permId
(for experiment set entity=EXPERIMENT):
- for project with code