The new admin User Interface (UI) is a plugin enabled by default starting from openBIS version 20.10.1 EA.
This UI is accessible via a URL of this type: https://openbis-xxx/openbis/webapp/openbis-ng-ui/
where openbis-xxx is the name of the server specified in the openBIS configuration file, during the installation by a system admin.
Since openBIS version 20.10.2, the admin UI supports Shibbolet authentication (e.g SWITCH AAI)
The admin UI has three main sections:
- Types. This section is for management of masterdata: Experiment/Collection types, Object types, Dataset types, Material Types, Controlled Vocabularies. Please note that Materials are deprecated, and we advise new users not use them.
- Users. This section is for management of users and users’ groups and for role assignments.
- Tools. This section covers:
- Dynamic Property Plugins. See https://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/openBISDoc2010/Dynamic+Properties
- Entity Validation plugins. See https://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/openBISDoc2010/Entity+validation+scripts
- SQL queries. See https://unlimited.ethz.ch/display/openBISDoc2010/Custom+Database+Queries
- History of deletions
- History of freezing
Each section has a similar structure (see picture below):
- Main menu
- Form preview
- Edit cell
Main Menu
The main menu for each of the sections lists what is available in the section (see above). Two operations are possible in the Main Menu:
- Add. This button is activated when selecting a category in the menu:
- In Types the categories are Object types, Collections types, Data Set Types, Material Types, Vocabulary Types;
- In Users the categories are Users and Groups;
- In Tools the categories are Dynamic Property Plugins, Entity Validation Plugins and Queries
The Add button allows to add individual components to each category. For example, add a new object type or a new user, or a new plugin.
2. Remove. This button is activated when a component inside a category of the main menu is selected. This allows to remove this component, for example an object type or a user or a plugin.
Edit Cell
When a component in a category of the main menu is selected, the Edit button in the Edit Cell is activated (see picture below).
When we are in edit mode, the cell becomes editable and, for Types and Users, the information entered here can be shown in the Preview Form.
When we are in edit mode, two new buttons appear at the bottom of the Edit Cell: Save and Cancel (see picture below).
Preview Form
When selecting a category in the main menu, the preview form shows its content. For example if I select category Object types, all Object types are shown (see picture below); If I select the category Users in the Users Menu, all registered users are shown.
When selecting a component inside a category, the details of this component are show. For example, when selecting the object type EXPERIMENTAL_STEP, the properties assigned to this object type are shown.
When we edit a component, buttons to add or remove specifications for a component are activated.
For example, in an Object Type it is possible to Add sections and Add/Remove properties; In Users it is possible to Add/Remove roles assignment or Group assignment.
History of deletions
The history of deletions is available for Instance Admins under Tools in the Admin UI.
History of freezing
The history of entity freezing is available to Instance admins under Tools in the admin UI.